God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it III

Today many people mostly emphasize different manifestations, anointing, gifts, talents and personal development. All of these things are important. But if we neglect the development of God’s character in us and do not make it a priority, if we forget to draw near to God and fellowship with Him, then we are doing not the will of God, but instead carrying out our own will. And as a result we are not able to bring glory to God.

What we sow is what we reap

But it is also important to note that we reap a lot more than we sow. Without sowing we don’t reap at all. If you want to become great and bring fruit in the kingdom of God, if you desire for your life to have godly influence over other people, then you have to sow your life into others. There are no short cuts to greatness and true influence. It would be foolish to expect greatness, multiplication and fruitfulness without sowing. That would be deception!