Daily Word

Responsibility as a Key to Success! II
Daily Word

Responsibility as a Key to Success! II

You may have the throne, a title and a high position; but if you are irresponsible, you will lose authority and power. There is a reward for everything – for being responsible and for being irresponsible. Glory and authority belongs to the responsible people; the irresponsible one get disgrace and reproach.May God help you not shirk your responsibility to others! God will not give you more than you can bear. His grace is sufficient to help and to save you in every situation!
Responsibility as a Key to Success!
Daily Word

Responsibility as a Key to Success!

Why is it important to be a responsible person?One of the reasons is that the level of authority and power is directly related to how responsible you are. Even if you seem to have authority with people, but you treat life lightly, it is highly probable that soon enough you will lose your standing with people. And it applies to all settings: whether it is church, family, business or individuals. Responsibility, success and authority – all these phenomena are closely related. You cannot be successful and irresponsible at the same time.
Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! III
Daily Word

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! III

If we walk in the ways of the Lord and guard our ways, then God will give us authority to rule, command and walk among angels. If we will walk in the ways of God and receive the lordship of Jesus Christ, we will be able effectively hinder the work of the devil in our lives and the lives of the people around us.Satan will never be able to dispute the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord. But if we are unclean before the Lord, then the devil can dispute the reality of this truth in our lives and oppose us.
Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! II
Daily Word

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! II

The lordship of Jesus Christ is what helps us to walk free from the accusations of Satan; with it in our lives, the blood of Jesus Christ works on our behalf. Our accuser is not the only voice before God; our Advocate and Intercessor Jesus Christ is also there defending us. If you will listen to the accuser, you consider yourself dirty and you won’t have the confidence and boldness to come before God. But if you will listen to your Intercessor Jesus Christ, then you will walk in repentance and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you.
Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil!
Daily Word

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil!

The measure of our understanding about importance of the lordship of Jesus Christ will determine the level of victory in our lives. No victory is possible without the lordship of Jesus Christ. The victory is where Jesus is. Only the person that allows Jesus Christ to be his or her Lord can truly walk in His victory.Today I would like to give you several illustrations of how, based on the understanding of the lordship of Jesus Christ, we gain protection from all the purposes of the devil. Let’s look into the Bible.
The importance of our submission to God so that our authority given to us by Him could be effective
Daily Word

The importance of our submission to God so that our authority given to us by Him could be effective

Jesus humbled Himself and was obedient unto death. And for this very reason God exalted Him and gave Him the name above every other name. Jesus having taken a form of a man demonstrated us how we should behave. Jesus Christ came to the earth to help us see how we can exercise and display the authority of God in our lives in order to fulfil the calling and mission that God has given to every person.