We have to always choose God´s will

We have to always choose God´s will

Going through the most difficult ordeal in His life, when Jesus heart was internally struggling whether to accept or to reject God´s will, He proved with His own example that we have to always choose God´s will even if it requires us to go through pain and sufferings.

«My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless, not what I desire, but what you desire.» (Matthew 26:39).

« … Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.» (Luke 22:42)

Jesus got to know God´s will and fulfilled His mission

Jesus got to know God´s will and fulfilled His mission

For the fact that Jesus got to know God´s will and fulfilled His mission we can enter the presence of God, receive forgiveness of our sins and get answers to our prayers today. It´s important to notice that fate of many people depends on do we or do we not fulfil our mission and God´s will in our lives. In case we fail to accomplish the mission, some people will not enter their fate or the fulfilment of their mission will experience a delay. That´s why Jesus treated God´s will and its fulfilment in the most serious way. The job of His Father who sent Him was the highest priority in Jesus life.

Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Reading the Bible we see how Jesus was growing and being filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life, in order to set a good example for us. If Jesus had got to know God´s will using His divine nature instead, He wouldn´t have set a role model to us nor we wouldn´t be able to follow his steps today. Jesus stayed longer in the Temple after the feast of Passover in Jerusalem while other people had already left for home (see Luke 2:41-51). What was Jesus doing there and why did He stay longer in the Temple? He stayed there to listen to the scribes and to question them. That´s one of His secrets where His wisdom came from. Jesus studied the Scriptures. He attended the Temple and asked questions, prayed and leaned closer to God, His Father.

Jesus and God´s will

Jesus and God´s will

esus is our model in everything. He is the Author, the Master and the Maintainer of our faith. Therefore, Jesus set an example for us, so that we can follow his steps.

«For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps» (1 Peter 2:21).

From the very beginning of His life on this Earth Jesus was clearly aware of His goal. He was extraordinary passionate to the business of His Father in His Spirit.

There is a story from Jesus childhood in the Bible, it tells us how He was growing and becoming strong in spirit

God desires to give you true success

God desires to give you true success

As we said before, a successful person is the one who knows what God wants him to do in his life and has dedicated his life for doing God’s will. Human success is not measured by his social status, banc accounts, and influence in society, popularity or fame in this world. True success is measured by how successful he has been in doing God’s will.

Think about it today! God desires to give you true success that can be found in learning and doing God’s will for your life. You are the one who determines what to do with your life: either seeking temporary pleasure and enjoyment or seeking the eternal values of God’s Kingdom and His will for your life.

God looks at what we do with what we already know

God looks at what we do with what we already know

We are talking about the importance of knowing and doing God’s will. Yesterday we talked about the fact that God reveals His plans and intentions to us gradually as we reach particular levels of maturity and grow in our ability to accept what He has prepared for us. We also established that God reveals His will to those who are close to Him, seek His will and are willing to do His will. God looks at what we do with what we already know, and only then He will reveal the next part of His plan for our lives.

Dievs atklāj savu plānu pakāpeniski

God reveals His plan gradually

Yesterday we began talking about the importance of knowing God’s will for our lives. We established that God has a particular plan with precise assignments for every person. But God reveals His plan gradually.

God reveals His plan to us as we reach certain levels of maturity and grow in our ability to accept what He has prepared for us. As God shows us the details of His plan, we can learn to walk in obedience in those areas where God has already revealed us His will. And during this time we can simply trust Him to carry out His sovereign plan for our life.

The Importance of God’s will

The Importance of God’s will

Today I would like to start talking about „The Importance of God’s will”. The Holy Scripture says: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Mathew, 7: 21). The Bible calls every one of us to have sound mind, especially in learning the will of God for his or her life.

«Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is» (Ephesians, 5:18).

Why is it so important to allocate some time for seeking out the will of God? Why is understanding of God’s will so necessary for a person? It is because the understanding of God’s will determine both our happiness here, on earth, and our status in the future, in eternity.

Only those who seek will find

Only those who seek will find

You will find out what is there in you if you get diligent about seeking it out. Only those who seek will find. For example, many people only see problems. Don’t look for problems and don’t talk about them; focus on the solutions. Train your heart and your mind to find answers and solutions for different problems. As soon as you see a problem, start thinking about possible solutions for it. Start meditating on possible ways to solve it, and God will give multiple ideas for serving people.

Your gift will make room for you! IV

Your gift will make room for you! IV

In the Gospel of Mathew Jesus told a parable about Master giving his servants different talents. «For the kingdom of heaven is like a man travelling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey» (Mathew, 25: 14-15).

Jesus shows us here that the criterion of His assessment is not quantity, but faithfulness. God know that every one of us has different abilities, so the quantitative result will be different for different people. Numbers are not important to Jesus; He cares about how faithful you have been with what God has given you. He cares about your attitude towards His work.