Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! II

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil! II

The lordship of Jesus Christ is what helps us to walk free from the accusations of Satan; with it in our lives, the blood of Jesus Christ works on our behalf. Our accuser is not the only voice before God; our Advocate and Intercessor Jesus Christ is also there defending us. If you will listen to the accuser, you consider yourself dirty and you won’t have the confidence and boldness to come before God. But if you will listen to your Intercessor Jesus Christ, then you will walk in repentance and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you.

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil!

Walk in the light and do not give place to the devil!

The measure of our understanding about importance of the lordship of Jesus Christ will determine the level of victory in our lives. No victory is possible without the lordship of Jesus Christ. The victory is where Jesus is. Only the person that allows Jesus Christ to be his or her Lord can truly walk in His victory.

Today I would like to give you several illustrations of how, based on the understanding of the lordship of Jesus Christ, we gain protection from all the purposes of the devil. Let’s look into the Bible.

The importance of our submission to God so that our authority given to us by Him could be effective

The importance of our submission to God so that our authority given to us by Him could be effective

Jesus humbled Himself and was obedient unto death. And for this very reason God exalted Him and gave Him the name above every other name. Jesus having taken a form of a man demonstrated us how we should behave. Jesus Christ came to the earth to help us see how we can exercise and display the authority of God in our lives in order to fulfil the calling and mission that God has given to every person.

The lordship of Jesus Christ V

The lordship of Jesus Christ V

«All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…» (Mathew, 28:18-19).

Jesus told us to walk through this life, being armed with the understanding that all God’s authority is behind us. The will of God for us contains prosperity, health, salvation (both for us personally and for our families), peace and harmony; the will of God is for all people to come to salvation and knowledge of truth. But too often we see discrepancies in many areas of our life. Those areas where the will of God is not fulfilled are actually ruled by the devil; somehow we have given him a place and control over these areas.

The lordship of Jesus Christ IV

The lordship of Jesus Christ IV

If we are aware of the authority of Jesus, if we identify ourselves with His rule and submit our lives to it, then we can walk in the name of Jesus and crush under our feet all those things that do not fit the will of God and come up against it. And we will see victory!

I pray that the Lord would help us all to grasp the true meaning of the lordship of Jesus. When we proclaim “Jesus is LORD!” having the proper understanding, then it brings changes into our lives.

The lordship of Jesus Christ III

The lordship of Jesus Christ III

God reigns on the earth and in heaven. When we talk about the lordship of Jesus, we mean that His rule covers everything and everybody. We have already mentioned that God has shared His rule with the mankind, having entrusted people with authority and dominion on the earth. Adam and Eve were given authority to rule on the earth, because God Himself wanted that.

The lordship of Jesus Christ II

The lordship of Jesus Christ II

«The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies» (Psalm 110:1-2).

This passage talks about Christ: «Rule in the midst of Your enemies», but the Body of Christ — His Church — is included in this prophetic word. Jesus was told to sit at the right hand of God; but it would be God’s children that would overcome God’s enemies and every thing that rise against the will of God. God wants us to rule and reign in the midst of the enemies and unfavourable circumstances. We must rule because we have been given God’s authority and we were born conquerors.

The lordship of Jesus Christ

The lordship of Jesus Christ

The phrase „Jesus is Lord!” is quite often used by the children of God. But being the children of God, we cannot treat this concept in a superficial or religious manner. The lordship of Jesus has a deep spiritual meaning. We should not casually proclaim or declare His lordship without the correct understanding of what it really implies. God wants us today to discover for ourselves what the true essence of the lordship of Jesus is and to act accordingly.

God’s desire for our faith not to be based on the wisdom of man, the wisdom of this age, but on the wisdom of God!

God’s desire for our faith not to be based on the wisdom of man, the wisdom of this age, but on the wisdom of God!

Only God’s wisdom is meant to bring us into the place of glory. The wisdom of God glorifies and exalts us. It is very important for us to open up our hearts and to receive God’s wisdom. Today we often hear about Chinese wisdom, Russian wisdom, Babylonian wisdom etc. But how wonderful it is that we have been given God’s wisdom! The wisdom of God is the highest form of wisdom for all the living. Only this wisdom is able to transform human life, changing it from within (from inside out). That is why God wants our faith to be based on His wisdom and not the wisdom of men.

If a person does not serve God, then sooner or later his love towards Him will grow cold and he will forsake God!

If a person does not serve God, then sooner or later his love towards Him will grow cold and he will forsake God!

Serving God is one of the ways you and I can maintain a good spiritual shape. It is one of the ways to grow spiritually. If a person is always on the receiving side and never gives anything, he will eventually die. For this reason, it is very important to serve God.

There are so many people in the Church today who only call themselves believers; they simply go to church, read their Bible and pray; they fellowship with other believers, but serving God is not in the list of their priorities.