What we do with our potential?

What we do with our potential?

A talent is almost the same as potential. The parable of talents could just as well be called the parable of potential. Potential is something unfinished that can be developed and completed. In the beginning potential can be invisible, but it nevertheless exists. In order to transform potential into reality, it must be developed. Based on the potential given to you, you can change your present condition. There is a beginning of change in you and everything you need to change your life. You have to develop your potential and bring it to completion.

What good does reading of the Bible does to a person?

What good does reading of the Bible does to a person?

«All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…» (2 Timothy, 3:16).

It is written that God’s Word is profitable for reproof. What is reproof? Reproof is when you are showed when you are being wrong. Quite often you and I are wrong; we need to be corrected by the Word of God.

But the Bible not only corrects us; it also teaches us. The Bible disciplines and edifies us. The Bible helps us to realize how we can our lives and where to start.

Your attitude influences your progress

Your attitude influences your progress

The judgements, the beliefs, and the convictions of a person influence his attitude and this attitude has an effect on the progress we make.

The man in the parable did not multiply his talent because he had the wrong attitude. This man believed lies rather than the truth. That is the lies which many people believe, which become an obstacle to their progress and development. The lies can go something like, “no one loves me”, then any attempt from people to show love towards you, will be rejected. A person believing in lies from the enemy will not be able to accept blessings, help, and advice from others, as all this would be misinterpreted.

If we want our talents to multiply, we must have a dream!

If we want our talents to multiply, we must have a dream!

We all follow up our dream. It is built within us to pursue our dreams and do all we can to fulfill them. When we dream we awaken a desire within us that leads us to have the drive, passion and ambition to accomplish our dream. That is why people with dreams deploy everything within their reach to accomplish their dream. Godly ambition prompts a person to change.

God has appointed every one of us for the ministry, so that all of us would grow into Him!

God has appointed every one of us for the ministry, so that all of us would grow into Him!

Jesus must be the centre of everything. Every member does its share and then the Body grows in the love of God and every one enjoys and benefits from it. We will all enjoy the Church, if every one of us does his or her part to the best of our abilities. I need to do only what I am able to do and not worry about what I do not have and what I cannot do, – otherwise i will be crush under such burden. I must only concentrate my attention on how to multiply my talents.

We multiply our talents by using them and putting them to practise

We multiply our talents by using them and putting them to practise

We have to apply our gifts. We must find for ourselves a place in church, in God’s Kingdom. Your barrenness is nobody’s fault, but yours. Learn to apply your talents and do it well. Whatever you do, do it well to be called a good and faithful servant. The word „faithful” contains deep meaning. You can depend on a faithful servant; he is reliable; he never lets down.

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability III

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability III

God has created us in His image and likeness, and He made us to be His children and He has separated us for Himself. God brought us into His wonderful light, into His Kingdom – through Jesus Christ! God has created us in Christ Jesus for good works, which He has ordained for us to do! This is alone is enough to give us a reason to be greatful to God. None of us deserve all these benefits, but God – because of His great love for us – has done all of these things for us in Jesus Christ. And God gave every one of us gifts and talents, so that we could expand His Kingdom and serve Him with His talents. God promises to bless us abundantly as we work and serve in His Kingdom.

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability II

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability II

You have a talent that matches your ability to handle it, and God desires for you to multiply it. It will affect your future. What you have from God today will determine your place in eternity. Your eternal reward will depend on what you have been doing with your talents. You can either bury your talents or multiply them. You can return to God your talent that He gave you, and say to Him that you did not succeed. You can simply complain about your life and not even try changing or accomplish something in your life.

or you can invest your talent and expand His kingdom with it, everything depend on you.

«After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them» (Mathew, 25:19).

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability

We all want more. We want our churches to have more people, but God – according to your ability – will give you what you can handle. God will be able to entrust you His blessings according to the level of your responsibility. For example, you are in a predicament and you think, „Why do I have to live through this?” But God knows that you can handle it. We often are not aware of how responsible or irresponsible we are, but God is. God knows the burden you are able to carry. You may think and say to yourself, «No, I am not able to bear this! I am not capable!» Until you actually go through it, you won’t be able to imagine what you are capable of.

What are you doing with your talent? III

What are you doing with your talent? III

«Set your mind on things above» (Colossians, 3:2).

But you cannot mentally switch and start thinking about the things above, because it is a process. It depends on your lifestyle. So Jesus tells us to invest ourselves and our treasures into the Kingdom of God, because where your treasures are, your heart will be also. If you continuously think on how you can build God’s Kingdom, – investing your finances, time, strength and effort into it, – then your heart will also be there. It is a law: your heart will be where your treasures are.