All great things always start small and insignificant

Yesterday we began talking about how all great things always start small and insignificant. In order to enter the fullness of your calling and ministry, we need to do what is revealed to us today whatever that would be. Your knowledge, your experience and your mind – these are all gifts from God which we can use in serving people. When you serve people with your gifts, then these gifts make room for you. «A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men» (Proverbs, 18: 16).

Studying the church history, we see that all of God’s generals didn’t start big. These people used what they had and did whatever they could. They began using the abilities they had. Eventually, their gifts found their place in the Body of Christ and grew into large ministries.

Your gift will make room for you

Today I would like to start talking about the topic I have titled as: “Your gift will make room for you”. The Word of God says: «A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men» (Proverbs, 18: 16).

Your gift will make room for you and will broaden your boarders, if you won’t hide it. So many times believers ask: «Where is my place in the Body of Christ? What is my calling?»

Do what you know. This simple principle gives an answer to many questions. Find the thing that you know how to do; find what you can do to promote the Kingdom of God, to help the church to grow and to extend your influence in the society.

Why we can’t grow spiritually if we do not serve others?

Here is one of the reasons why we can’t grow spiritually if we do not serve others. If we do not serve we become like those who only receive and not give out. Sooner or later such a person starts to stink spiritually. Look at any body of water that water flows into but doesn’t flow out of. After some time this water becomes stagnant and lifeless.

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants

For several days we have been discussing the blessedness of ministry. We established that through ministry we become entitled for continuous flow of God’s mercy. Ministry to others always fills our lives with blessings. But we shouldn’t be motivated by the desire to get God’s blessings; our motive is love for God and people which God sends into your life.

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants. What type of a believer are you? What are you: an observer, a user or a servant? Today we will attempt to establish what distinguishes observers and consumers from servants.