What do we have to prepare ourselves for?

Greetings to you, my friends! Mercy and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you!We are discussing that success and effectiveness in our life are impossible without preparation. Former prime minister of Great Britain, Benjamin Disraeli said: “One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”Influential people understand this fact. Therefore, if you are willing to spend your life effectively and have influence on the others, you have to prepare yourself for that.So what do we have to prepare ourselves for?In order to know it you have to answer a few questions that can help you to understand what to do at the current stage of your life.
  1. What goals and tasks do I have today? What are my short-term and long-term projects for my life? What steps am going to take?
  2. Why are these goals and tasks so important?
  3. What else do I need to know in order to reach my goals?
  4. How to combine together all resources I currently have at my disposal to achieve these goals?
  5. What kind of person should I become so that all my dreams could be fulfilled?
Influential people have methods and the system for answering all those questions. Do you have such system? Main events in the life of a Christian are oriented towards his future. We are the people of the future. We are the hope not just for today´s world but also for the future world. Our future is not tied with the present circumstances but with the God´s promises instead. We have hope because we have the future. We are not expecting crisis but glory and victory, though. We are not like those without hope. Looking forward to the next day God´s glory reveals to us, instead of distress and darkness.
«Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of Yahweh is risen on you. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but Yahweh will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you.» (Isaiah 60:1-2).
Though, it will not happen automatically. The summit you reach tomorrow depends on the level of your today´s dedication and obedience to God, your today´s life in prayer and revelation. Many people are standing by, while waiting for changes and the glorious future. Meanwhile, the Bible encourages us to develop a completely different attitude to our life. We have to start our preparation today, cleanse ourselves today, so we are ready to meet the Lord tomorrow.Many other people are waiting for better time to begin the preparation. I must warn you that today is the best time for preparation. People think they would handle preparation for effective life when given a good job, released from their financial difficulties, solved all family problems, succeeded in business, etc. What an illusion!Things you are doing exactly today and now determine whether your situation will change or not. Things you do on daily basis, your daily routine bring desirable changes and results into your life – that´s what is really important in your life! Therefore, let your life be based on the revelation that tells you about your preparation as a key to effective and influential life.God bless you abundantly!Rufus Adjiboye, pastor 

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