What is calling? How to reveal personal calling and how to enter it?

What is calling? How to reveal personal calling and how to enter it?

Recognising of your calling and your task in this life is a process that consists of many small details. Quite often, people try to reveal their calling, while neglecting those small details that make the whole process. Nowadays, many people are unhappy because they either lack revelation for their life or oppose to such revelation, or simply lack understanding of how to fulfil the revelation. Let´s figure it all out.

First thing to know is the fact that you were born to carry out a certain task. Bible says our life on this Earth has a goal and value determined. You are not a result of an accident! You were born on this Earth not just for the matter of occupying some space and breathing. You´ve got a mission to fulfil, a way to measure. You are created to take care for others and saved to minister. There many places in the Bible talking about this. We are going to elaborate the verse from Paul´s letter to Ephesians 2:10

God not only knows about all of your problems and circumstances, He also has a solution for them

God not only knows about all of your problems and circumstances, He also has a solution for them

When problems come into our lives, we need to define the source of these problems. But we must know that despite the source there are no problems that God would be unaware of. God not only knows about all of your problems and circumstances; He also has a solution for them and He has power and resources in order to change your circumstances. God is able to change the course of our lives for our good. God’s Word says that «all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose» (Romans, 8:28).

There is nothing impossible with God!

There is nothing impossible with God!

Every one of us has been given free choice. By our lawlessness and sins we can fill our lives and the lives of our loved ones, thus defiling the earth. But through repentance and godly living we can establish the rule of life by God’s grace, affecting not just our life but the whole world.

We see that the sin of one man negatively affects not only him or her, but also others. In the same way we see that obedience and righteous living positively affects other people and the whole world.

Ignorance of spiritual laws – is one of many things that cause suffering in this world nowadays

Ignorance of spiritual laws – is one of many things that cause suffering in this world nowadays

«Brothers, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God is for Israel, that they may be saved. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they didn’t subject themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the fulfilment of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.» (Romans 10:1-4).

Today may people are saying they love God and believe in Him, while staying ignorant to His righteousness and living according to their own righteousness. Therefore, they blame God for being unjust to them when facing problems and distress in their life.

Not knowing the purpose of things leads to their abuse and then to suffering and pain

Not knowing the purpose of things leads to their abuse and then to suffering and pain

In order to live right and to make right decisions we need to obtain knowledge and understanding. When a person’s life is filled with knowledge it is like the sun shining in the darkness.

Ignorance gives birth to lust, and lust causes suffering.

God’s Word is an enormously deep well of revelation, understanding and light

God’s Word is an enormously deep well of revelation, understanding and light

«The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes» (Psalm, 19:7-8).

Besides the understanding of God’s provision in Christ, every person also needs knowledge of the strategies and plans of the devil. If we do not have this knowledge, then the devil can be successful in hurting us. «..lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices» (2 Corinthians, 2: 11).

The Word of God – the source of divine information and truth

The Word of God – the source of divine information and truth

The lack of vision, knowledge or useful information can become the source of destruction and tragedy. There is a saying that not knowing the law does not relief from the responsibility; not knowing God’s laws or moral blindness multiplies human sufferings on earth.

Every person must gain knowledge and understanding of God’s provision; we must know what God has done for us in Christ so that we can lessen human suffering. The lack of such knowledge can cause great pain. It is like a person starving because he does not know about state aid. The lack of knowledge of one’s rights and privileges can cause unnecessary problems.

Sin is one of the main sources of tragedies and various curses on the earth

Sin is one of the main sources of tragedies and various curses on the earth

So we see that sin is one of the sources of tragedies in the world. Dear reader, you can ease the suffering in the world by joining to the army of people who overcome evil by the power of love. Because of Moses’ correct decision, millions of Jews were saved from destruction. Because of your correct decision God can bless your family, your city, your country and the whole world.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour and you still lust for the wrong things, if you still resist God’s will and experience excessive appetite for sinful things and give in to impulses, – you need to know that by your life you multiply pain and suffering in this world.

Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth

Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth

“Put to death your body”- means letting the resurrected life that dwells in you spring its roots. By feeding our old sinful nature we strengthen it and as a result of this the sinful nature prevails the resurrected life inside us. In opposite, when thinking about things that are above ans seeking those things we enable ourselves to celebrate a victory over sin and the old nature.

Quite often, when somebody hears that he has to put his body to death he says to himself: “I can´t do it!” This is the voice of your old nature. Though, let me share the good news with you – the Bible says, when Christ reveals Himself so will you in His glory, and your new life will be transformed into abundant life. If we have fellowship with God, seek things that are above and reason about Him, then Christ will definitely reveal Himself in our life.

The power of compassion

The power of compassion

Today I would like to talk about the power of compassion. If we look at the life of Jesus as the image of God – and that is Who Jesus is, – we will see that Jesus was motivated by compassion. When we are moved by compassion, we can’t be idle and barren. Our world is full of problems and God is calling us to work to solve them. We are His representatives on the earth. We are the Body of Christ on earth, so anything that God wants to do here He does through us.

Looking at the life of Jesus we see that He never was idle. Every time when He wanted to be alone and relax after long hours of ministry, people would find Him and ask for help. And He never rejected anybody. Many times we read in the Bible: «He had compassion and ministered to them». He went from town to town, because He was anointed to bring solutions where problems were.