The Importance of God’s will

The Importance of God’s will

Today I would like to start talking about „The Importance of God’s will”. The Holy Scripture says: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Mathew, 7: 21). The Bible calls every one of us to have sound mind, especially in learning the will of God for his or her life.

«Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is» (Ephesians, 5:18).

Why is it so important to allocate some time for seeking out the will of God? Why is understanding of God’s will so necessary for a person? It is because the understanding of God’s will determine both our happiness here, on earth, and our status in the future, in eternity.

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants!

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants!

What type of a believer are you? What are you: an observer, a user or a servant? Today we will attempt to establish what distinguishes observers and consumers from servants.

Observes do not care for what goes on around them; they demonstrate indifference. What happens in church does not concern him; he thinks that he only needs to attend Sunday services. He is there for the worship and the sermon and it is enough for him. Such a believer has no problems; he is doing fine at work and at home. He simply observes the events around him and he is happy.

The blessedness or beauty of serving others! III

The blessedness or beauty of serving others! III

Ministry and giving determines the measure of one’s spiritual growth and maturity. It also determines how much I bear a resemblance to Jesus Christ. God wants us to grow spiritually. One of the indications of one’s spiritual growth is how he or she fulfils the needs of others. Such a person not only takes and receives, but also gives. Giving and ministry is one and the same word that determines how much of resemblance to Jesus Christ I bear.

It says in the Bible that Jesus came to this earth to serve and not to be served. He is the example of a minister. Many of us want others to serve us. God says that we should minister and serve others. He wants us to be like Jesus.

God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it III

Today many people mostly emphasize different manifestations, anointing, gifts, talents and personal development. All of these things are important. But if we neglect the development of God’s character in us and do not make it a priority, if we forget to draw near to God and fellowship with Him, then we are doing not the will of God, but instead carrying out our own will. And as a result we are not able to bring glory to God.

God wants you to become His co-worker

When you love somebody and you know he has a problem but you have a solution for him what will be your action then? Would you sit and do nothing about it? You surely won´t. It´s one of the biggest issues people have that they only focus on their own problems, forgetting about God´s needs. God wants His children to be a part of the solution for His needs.

Worthy Goal for Life

Peace to you, my dear friends! I greet you on this wonderful day and pray for the Lord to help you in your walk and give you success in everything you will do today. Today I would like to start talking about „Worthy Goal for Life”.

Every person has a goal, whether he talks about it or not. He is driven to do something. But if we talk about goals, it is important to determinewhether it is WORTHY or UNWORTHY.

One of the instruments of daily victory is praise and worship

One of the instruments of daily victory is praise and worship

My question to you today is this: Are you experiencing the victory of praise in your life. Have considered the power and privileges available to you through praise?
Let me show you few of these privileges from the word of God.

Praise is an instrument of warfare (2 Chronicle 20)