Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Reading the Bible we see how Jesus was growing and being filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life, in order to set a good example for us. If Jesus had got to know God´s will using His divine nature instead, He wouldn´t have set a role model to us nor we wouldn´t be able to follow his steps today. Jesus stayed longer in the Temple after the feast of Passover in Jerusalem while other people had already left for home (see Luke 2:41-51). What was Jesus doing there and why did He stay longer in the Temple? He stayed there to listen to the scribes and to question them. That´s one of His secrets where His wisdom came from. Jesus studied the Scriptures. He attended the Temple and asked questions, prayed and leaned closer to God, His Father.

The blessedness or beauty of serving others!

The blessedness or beauty of serving others!

Ministry is a widespread concept among believers. In essence, ministry is giving of all things: giving of one’s talents and gifts, one’s knowledge and time, one’s heart and resources. The Kingdom of God is built through such giving. Your church is built by your giving and ministry. It says in the Bible that it is more blessed to give than to receive. God blesses those who serve, so if you want to get to the top of God’s blessedness learn to serve God and people.