Confess your sins and repent of them as soon as the Holy Spirit convicts you

Confess your sins and repent of them as soon as the Holy Spirit convicts you

«For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light» (Mark, 4:22).

Here we see a very important truth spoken by Jesus. According to this Scripture everything hidden will be revealed. If we accept this truth then we will want to live righteously before God and men. Our every wrongdoing and ungodly deed sooner or later will be brought out in the light, and all our secret works sooner or later will come into the open; all our unconfessed, unrecognized and secret sins sooner or later will become obvious for everybody.

Where to get joy?

Where to get joy?

«The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes» (Psalm 19:8-9).

This passage of Scriptures tells us that one of the sources of joy is God’s Word, meditation on the Word and the perception of the (our) world through the prism of the Word. That is why it is so important for us to realize that if we want to remain in joy and learn to draw joy, we must grow in love with God’s Word.

Rejoice in the Lord! II

Rejoice in the Lord! II

Dear friends, God once again delights to tell us to serve Him with gladness. Jesus once told His disciples: «Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven» (Luke, 10:20).

If your name has been written in the Book of Life, if you are a child of God, then you are also a co-heir of Christ. And it is more than enough reason to motivate any of us to rejoice and thank God for every day of our lives.

Rejoice in the Lord!

Rejoice in the Lord!

The Bible says that «God loves a cheerful giver» (2 Corinthians, 9:7). So it says that God not only loves givers, but He delights in cheerful giving. It is so essential for us no only to serve God, but also to do it with joy.

Value God’s Word! IV

Value God’s Word! IV

Today I would like to continue talking about the importance of God’s Word.

We saw what God spoke through Moses that God’s Word is our life. We also talked about the fact that our attitude towards the Word can either prolong our life or shorten it. We have already seen in the parables of Jesus that our attitude towards God’s Word determines the strength of our foundation, our life and all the things we are building. Yesterday we also talked about the fact that God’s Word is able to change our disappointments into joy, bankruptcy – into abundance. We saw all of it in the life of Peter. I would like for us to look at the verses that talk about Peter when he was utterly failing and ready to give up.

Value God’s Word! III

Value God’s Word! III

For several days now we have been talking about the role of God’s Word in our lives. We talked about the Word of God being our life and about the fact that our right attitude towards it can prolong our days. Also we learned that our attitude towards God’s Words determines how strong the foundation of our lives will be and how able we are to withstand the troubles of this life. Today I would like to look at another facet that demonstrates the significance of God’s Word for us.

Value God’s Word! II

Value God’s Word! II

«Therefore whoever hears these saying of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these saying of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the house; and it fell. And great was its fall» (Mathew, 7:24-27)

Value God’s Word!

Value God’s Word!

Today God wants to tell us the same thing. The Word of God is life to us. When God sends us His Word, He offers us life. Rejecting the Word of God we reject life itself. Moses says about God’s Word: «For it is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life…»

It is extremely important for us to appreciate the Word of God and not to treat it as something futile, – it is not like a song that we have listened to and then gone to do our own will. It should be to us like the greatest treasure. We have to value God’s Word, to hide it in our hearts, to appreciate it because it is life to us. God says that through the Word and through our right attitude towards it we can extend or prolong our days. Our attitude toward the Word determines whether we will extend our life or shorten it.

I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

When we cast all our worries on the Lord, a sincere joy appears fills our hearts and the soul begins to sing a new song. When somebody fully relies on God, he stops chanting the old songs like: “Oh, I am weak! Oh no, I can´t accomplish it! Oh, I am definitely gonna fail! Oh, I am so poor!”

When a person casts his worries on the Lord who cares for us, his mouth will sing a new song: “Let the weak say I am strong! I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me! My God meets all my needs! God is my shepherd, I lack nothing! I destroy my enemies with God! I am healed by the wounds of Jesus.”

Do not bury your miracle!

Do not bury your miracle!

Today I want to encourage you not to burry your dream, even when everything around you tells you that it won’t ever come true. There is such a thing as the power of resurrection. That is the word I want to bring to you.

We started to talk about a woman whose hospitality and generosity brought a miracle into her life, and as a result she gave birth to a son.