God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it III

God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it III

«Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! ’» (Matthew, 7:21-23).

God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it

God’s purpose for the earth and the role of people in it

It says in the Bible that God rules and reigns over everything — in heaven and in earth. When we read Genesis, we see that God created men and also we read about God’s intentions for men. God created us to rule and reign on earth as God’s ambassadors. So God’s original plan was for people to be a ruler and care-taker for God. We can read about that in Genesis (1:26-28).

How to effectively study the Bible II

How to effectively study the Bible II

Sometimes one word in the Bible can be followed as a thread throughout all of the pages of the Book.

I once sat down to write a letter to a brother. I prayed and asked God to help me write not just words, but to make it a blessing for this person. As I was writing, I noticed that I had started preaching in the letter. Later I put it aside, because one word had totally consumed my attention. I began to study this word in the Bible. I began studying the phrases like “God is able” and „God can”. I started reading all the verses that contained these phrases. It was so interesting that I totally forgot about the letter. The study of particular Bible words can be very interesting and profitable.

Practical suggestions that can make your Bible studies more effective II

Practical suggestions that can make your Bible studies more effective II

If you treat the Bible as any other book and do not apply it to your life, then it will be boring and you won’t understand why you ever need to read it. In one of His parables, Jesus said that some people hear the word and do it, and that is why they become wiser. When problems or life storms come into their lives, they go through them with dignity. It is because what they read does not remain theoretical; for them it is applicable and practical.
How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us? II

How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us? II

When I hear the preaching of God’s Word, God speaks to me through someone else. When I read the Word, God speaks to me directly. There are things He wants to speak to me personally, without mediators. God wants me to fellowship with Him so that He can teach me. When you hear the word through the other preaching of people, you can hear things that you do not fully understand or you might even say you do not agree with some things. However, when you fellowship with God through the reading of His Word and God reveals some things to you, you cannot say it is someone else’s opinion.
How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us?

How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us?

Why are there so much fear, panic, disappointment, weariness and tiredness in the lives of many believers? It is because the Word of God does not abide in them. God wants us to be filled with the Word. When we read the word of God with the understanding that we need the word daily as our source of light and direction, then we are motivated to do read it even more. Since I want to be spiritually strong and able to overcome the wicked one, I want to have the understanding of God’s purpose for my life, I want His direction as to how to carry out my assignment and I want to walk in purity in my life – and for this very reason I read God’s Word and study it on a regular basis.
God’s Word is a sword

God’s Word is a sword

You and I are in the middle of spiritual battle and we need the weapon that would help us fight and overcome the enemy. God’s Word is His weapon, His sword. If the Word is in us, we will always be able to easily overcome temptation, sin and enemy.If God’s Word abides in us, we will be able to say as Jesus said: «It is written! It is written! It is written!» But if you are not ‘in shape’ and do not know what is written in the Word, you won’t have the necessary courage to proclaim God’s Word over your life and situation.