If you desire to experience God´s power and His mercy in your life, make fellowship and love to God priorities for your life!

If you desire to experience God´s power and His mercy in your life, make fellowship and love to God priorities for your life!

Yesterday we spoke about how we can experience God´s power and mercy in our life. It fully depends on how deep we dedicate ourselves to Him. Once we realise we are not living for ourselves but for One who died for us, we discover the source of the unlimited power and mercy of God.

However, submission to God doesn´t mean doing everything that comes to your mind. Contrariwise, it makes us responsible for getting to know what God bears in His heart regarding His will to our life. For this reason you have to submit yourself in whole to the Lord in order to have fellowship with Him as a source of inspiration, freshness and guidance. Everybody who experienced His power in his life and became a tool of His mercy constantly submitted himself to the Lord.

How can we experience God in our life?

How can we experience God in our life?

Studying the Bible we see God doing great feats through many people. He was able to realise His intentions using those people just due to their revelation and understanding of God´s key principles. While living in the different times, educated on a different level, belonged to the different cultures all Bible heroes basically have something in common. The secret of the success and feats they had is obvious – they knew God and interacted with Him. They experienced God´s power and His mercy in their lives. How did they succeeded? It became possible because they dedicated themselves to God. That´s exactly what God is inviting us to do.

The more we collaborate with God, the more prophecies we will see fulfilled

The more we collaborate with God, the more prophecies we will see fulfilled

What does it mean to be stirred? When such things happen due to the changes taking place in people and through people the latter can´t remain indifferent to God any more. Nowadays people live wrapped in their problems, immersed in their own world, as though there is no God at all. They use some duty phrases in their speech like “For God´s sake”, “Thanks God”, but there is no God in their hearts at all. It happens to them just because they have never experienced the real God in their lives. God is a care taking father. Such people have not felt how real the God is, how powerful and Almighty Creator He is.

We must learn to think big!

We must learn to think big!

God’s Kingdom is bigger than just a church; the Kingdom cannot be hidden inside the church walls. The Bible tells us that we are salt to the earth and light to the world. It means that our ministry has to go beyond the boarders of a church and leave an impact on the city, the country and the world. We need to think of how to salt the earth and enlighten the world.

We should start locally; but we must think globally. «You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth», – said Jesus in Acts (1: 8).

How to enter your ministry?

How to enter your ministry?

Yesterday we started discussing how we can enter our ministry. We established that, first; we need a strong desire to serve. This desire is tied to our understanding of God’s will and the purpose of our salvation. As we talked about, ministry helps us to reveal our potential. Ministry helps us to find out about ourselves, our calling in the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and doing the works that are pleasing to God. God has predestined for us to do particular good works. God desires for us to be fruitful and glorify Him on earth. Through our ministry God wants to fill this earth with the knowledge of Him and His Kingdom. He wants us to establish His principles in every sphere of life and win people for Him by the ministry we do on earth.

How to enter your ministry?

How to enter your ministry?

If a person doesn’t have any desire to serve, it is very difficult to motivate him. This desire has to be strong enough to move you to action; otherwise you won’t do anything. It is easy to teach and lead a person that has a desire and an interest in something. And it is very difficult to convince and motivate the one who is indifferent. Where does the desire to serve come from? This desire comes from the understanding of God’s will and the purpose of our salvation.

26 points that confirm we need the revival!

26 points that confirm we need the revival!

We do not love God as much as we used to in the past.

We are more concerned about the things of this world than of those related to eternity.

We prefer watching TV or reading secular books and magazines instead of reading the Bible or praying.

We are hardly willing to pray or don´t want to do it at all.

We rather make money than give it away.

What do we have to prepare ourselves for?

What do we have to prepare ourselves for?

In order to know it you have to answer a few questions that can help you to understand what to do at the current stage of your life.

What goals and tasks do I have today? What are my short-term and long-term projects for my life? What steps am going to take?

Why are these goals and tasks so important?

What else do I need to know in order to reach my goals?

Preparation is a key to effective life! II

Preparation is a key to effective life! II

Your tomorrow is the outcome of your today´s efforts and time you spend. Your today impacts your tomorrow, therefore, you better prepare yourself for tomorrow, use your time to develop yourself, building up your character and skills. If you disobey God today, you will not be able to enter your promised land tomorrow, due to the cruelty of your heart. If you take care for today, God will take care for your tomorrow then.

Preparation is a key to effective life!

Preparation is a key to effective life!

In reality, effective life is impossible without appropriate preparation. Jesus solved the question of effectiveness by preparing Himself for the ministry. There is almost no information about what Jesus had been doing during the first 30 years of His life. Gospels tell us the story about His ministry. Meanwhile, we need to understand that prior to starting His ministry Jesus had been seriously preparing himself for quite a long time.