If you believe that you already have a breakthrough and victory in prayer, then start praying for your brothers and sisters!

Greetings to you, dear readers of “Daily Word for Spiritual Edification”! God is faithful to His Word. God is faithful to us because of His boundless love. God desires to see His children being satisfied and fruitful in the things they do. For it to happen He has provided us with an opportunity to communicate with Him in prayer, to draw from His wisdom and power. For some time we have been talking about the fact that the will of God is for men to always pray and not lose heart!What are we going to do with the truth we have heard – the truth about importance and crucial nature of prayer? We must change! First, we need to ask God to help us to pray constantly. Second, we may ask other people you consider being strong in prayer to pray for you and help you put your prayer life in order. There is no shame in asking someone to pray for you.I remember a period in my life when I had lost a desire to pray; it seemed boring and my prayer seemed lifeless. And for some reason I wasn’t able to change it. I realized that I was experiencing crisis in my prayer life. I called my oldest brother and told him about my failures in this area; I was reading the Bible, but to no effect; I was praying, but with no results so I was losing the desire altogether. After hearing me out, my brother told me to continue to pray and read the Word anyway and promised to pray for me so that my prayer life would regain life and that I would regain the desire to pray and read the Word. And it worked. One week later everything changed; my hunger and love towards God and prayer returned to me and I once again enjoyed the time I spend with God.So, be honest in this area. If you have problems with prayer, ask some strong believers to pray for you. You will see the situation changed. If someone has ever asked you to pray for him and you have told others about it, judging him for his weakness and spreading rumours about him throughout the church, do not do that again! God hates things like that. It is shameful to spread rumours about others, judge them for things they have entrusted us; things like that bring division among believers. In Proverbs we can find a list of things that are an abomination to the Lord:
«These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren» (Proverbs, 6:16-19).
If you believe that you already have a breakthrough and victory in prayer, then start praying for your brothers and sisters and helping them. Join them in prayer, pray with them so that powerful prayer would become a norm in the Body of Christ.I wish abundant God’s blessings!Till tomorrow!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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