Ask God for a reformation of your life, especially your prayer life!

I welcome every reader of our page on this wonderful day that God has created! May God give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of His Word that is live and active. We are still talking about prayer.Jesus told Peter:
“And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke, 22:31-32).
When you become strong in prayer then start strengthening others in prayer. Ask God in prayer to help you and all of us, so that prayer would become a key aspect of our lives, the life of our family and church. Don’t be afraid to call unto God in your despair. That is what Bartimaeus did; he called upon God and did not care what others would say or think of him. Bartimaeus touched the heart of God and received an answer to his desperate prayer.Ask God for a reformation of your life, especially your prayer life. God desires for us to realize that the church that prayer also wins; it is united church which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell. Praying church is a growing church that experiences God’s power and miracles. God promised that He has established His church and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. May God help every one of us to give prayer the central place in our lives; may God’s order be established in our lives. I am not talking about redundant, fruitless imitation of prayer; I am talking about the prayer that touches heaven, releases God’s power which was seen in the life of Jesus. We desire to have a lifestyle and prayer life of Jesus. May God teach every one of us to pray as He taught His disciples so that our lives would change and because of our prayers the life around us would change as well. May God teach us to pray in such a way that it would bring down from heaven His power and anointing that destroys every hindrance and obstacle; may God make us effective in it. God has said that He will do everything we ask in Jesus name.
„And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John, 14:13).
We thank God for His message on prayer. May the people hear it and live by it! May this word come true and not go back to God void, without first doing what it was sent to do. God knows every person and every heart. He knows who is deceitful and who is sincere. The Bible says:
«With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless; with the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd» (Psalm, 18:26-27).
All those that sincerely desire this breakthrough and are calling upon God will see God’s mercy and His answers. God will release His grace and changes into the prayer life of these people. May the resistance and all strongholds be destroyed in their lives. May all old habits be destroyed. May all the old things go away and be replaced by the new things from the Lord. May God renew our strength, our revelation of prayer and relationships with Him. God is pouring out on us His grace and mercy; He is covering us with His glory; He is covering our weaknesses with His power. We are moving in God’s power, and thus the weak can say he is strong. God is covering us with His power; He is going ahead of us and all our enemies are running away, because effective prayer gives God a chance to rise and act on our behalf.
«Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered! » (Psalms, 68:1).
I wish you God’s abundant blessings!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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