Be a good example for your children, your younger brothers and sisters!

Be a good example for your children, your younger brothers and sisters!

Children watch and learn from us, and they will repeat what they have seen their parents do. For this reason we can say they being a parent is a calling and assignment from God; the task of a parent is to set correct patterns and show a right example for the children. When the woman from Canaan turned to Jesus in a time of distress she did not think that she is setting an example for her daughter of dealing with hard times. Our children need us not just ‘to talk the talk’, but to live in a correct way and demonstrate our convictions by our daily walk.

Fight for the lives of your children, your family and friends!

Fight for the lives of your children, your family and friends!

You know that in the history of revivals the key role was played by praying women, because God had given them the burden of prayer for the lives other people. Women know how to carry things that distress them and bear them before God. That is why prayer is one of the purposes of mothers. Mother’s prayers are so powerful! Mother’s prayer reaches the goal! Mother’s prayer brings freedom to her children! So if you are a mother, God expects unceasing prayers from you, until the necessary answer comes. Do not stop praying for your children. Children need your prayers, and other people need your prayers.

The importance of stopping all activities and being alone with God

The importance of stopping all activities and being alone with God

«From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden.»

Jesus came to Tyra and Sidon to find some solitude and rest from people because His last day was coming closer – the day of His death on the Golgotha. Possibly, Jesus wanted to be alone with His Father to discuss what was awaiting Him on the Golgotha. Thus, Jesus was showing us an example of stopping all activities and being alone with God. We also need – every once in a while – to leave all the clutter of this world and all its cares and to find time for being alone with the Father.
God is calling you today to find right time and a right place to be alone with God even among all the cares and stresses of this world. By doing it you will be able to gain access to godly wisdom, receive peace from God and succeed in this life.

The importance of having the right connection between your evenings and your mornings

The importance of having the right connection between your evenings and your mornings

What does this tell us? It tells us that God started His day in the evening. It is very important for us to borrow this wisdom from our Heavenly Father. If we get up in the morning and only then start thinking about what we need to do for the day, then we are already starting it in the wrong manner and have already starting too late. The last moment to start your day is the evening of the previous day. In the evening we need to have a composed idea of what we are doing the next day. We need to have a plan for the next day. Before we go to bed we need to have a vision for the next day. If we are too lazy to make any plans for the next day before going to bed then we are heading towards poverty both physical and spiritual. It is crucial for us to accept this wisdom from God to start the day in the evening of the previous day: «So the evening and the morning were the first day».

Analyze your work and your days! II

Analyze your work and your days! II

In order for us to analyze our day, first of all we need to see that God had a plan of what He wanted to get done. He had a plan, a dream, and a vision of the world He wanted to create. We can not effectively analyze our day and our life without a concrete plan. You need to start your analysis with a question about your plans. Ask yourself: „Do I have a plan for my life?”

Analyze your work and your days!

Analyze your work and your days!

If we don’t learn to stop like God did to analyze what we are doing and where we are going, then we might end up in a totally different place, not at the intended destination, and we might get something we did not plan to get. It is so easy to get distracted, to get involved into all kinds of entertainment and futile things; that is why we need to stop once in a while to check and analyze what is happening in our lives, whether it is good or bad, should it be changed or not, is the direction of our lives right and good.

The importance of our faithfulness to God II

The importance of our faithfulness to God II

God counts on our involvement and participation just as He counted on Moses’ victory over Pharaoh. Moses was faithful in the house of God, and for this reason Pharaoh could not stop the process of the deliverance and the salvation of God’s people despite his power, his strength and his huge army.

Jesus Christ was faithful to His mission and for this reason in Him all people in this world have an opportunity to receive redemption, salvation and deliverance.

The importance of our faithfulness to God

The importance of our faithfulness to God

«.. and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful» (Revelation, 17:14).

In order to join the army of victors in Christ Jesus, it is important for us to be qualified in these three areas: in your calling, in been a chosen vessel and in faithfulness. Tomorrow we will talk about it in detail, but today I’d like you to see that the war is inescapable; but in this war God counts on His called, chosen and faithful people.

The Kingdom of God III

The Kingdom of God III

Jesus brought God’s Kingdom to this earth and He wants us to be involved in the process of expanding His Kingdom here, on the earth. God wants His Kingdom to triumph over the earth. And there is no need to discuss whether it is going to happen or not, – this matter is already resolved; it will surely happen. What you need to decide is whether this spreading out will happen with your involvement or without it.

I am sure that every believer that sincerely loves God desires to be part of this process, desires to have the Kingdom of God not only within him, but also to spread it all around.

The Kingdom of God II

The Kingdom of God II

It is impossible to establish God’s Kingdom in our hearts, our lives, our families and all the spheres of our influence without putting forth particular effort. In order for God’s Kingdom to grow we will need to fight and to engage in warfare. So if you have made a decision to have part in expansion of God’s Kingdom in this earth, you can not be a passive observer. Only active people that have taken a position of overcomers in Christ are able to establish the Kingdom in their lives and around them.