Searching for the meaning of life II

Searching for the meaning of life II

Let’s look at the steps that Solomon took in order to find the meaning of life. We will see what conclusions Solomon came to. The first thing Solomon turned to was acquiring of wisdom and knowledge. «I communed with my heart, saying, „Look, I have attained greatness, and have gained more wisdom than all who were before me in Jerusalem. My heart has understood great wisdom and knowledge.” And I set my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is grasping for the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow» (Ecclesiastes, 1:16-18).

Searching for the meaning of life

Searching for the meaning of life

Many people ask themselves a question of why they feel inner emptiness. So many continue to walk the wrong way in their lives, and it goes on day after day. They feel their life to be aimless and they continue their walk unmotivated. Multitudes of people do not have a clue of why they live and whether the life is worth living. All of these things happen because they do not have a clear purpose for living. The lack of such a purpose often causes violence, different types of evil, disappointments, emptiness, despair, hopelessness, apathy, anger and so on.

Follow me and I will make you!

Follow me and I will make you!

Do you know that you are not all you could be yet? Only the Lord knows who you are created to be and He wants to make you become who you are really created to be. That is why He said “I will make you”.

Peter and His brother were created to be Fishers of men, but they did not know that until they started to follow Christ.

The bible said they straightway left their nets, and followed him. Their destiny was changed that very day. That was the point the Lord began to make them into who they were created to be.

Never be stopped by problems!

Never be stopped by problems!

Satan wants to hit our spirit via hardships, trials and problems. When your spirit is strengthened, you can overcome any kind of weakness, get through all kind of hardships and trials. So how can we strengthen our spirit? God´s word and His promises strengthen our spirit and overcome weakness and sufferings. In order to not give up, we need to learn how to lean on the word of God and His promises – fully and unconditionally. We have to learn God´s faithfulness and realise that God will never forsake us unless we abandon Him ourselves.

Temptations or trials are a kind of test or exam

Temptations or trials are a kind of test or exam

If you arm yourself with the knowledge that problems and trials are a test to all of us, and once it´s passed we receive a certain reward from God, then a holy desire to win given by God will be awaken within you. None of you is born willing to be a loser in this life. We all desire to win, but no win where is no battle. For the problems and trials are those battles we either get defeated or celebrate the victory at. Going through hardships and pain in our life, we better understand the price, Jesus paid for our salvation. «…you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings…».

God doesn’t want us to give up! III

God doesn’t want us to give up! III

First of all, God ”will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able”. Maybe you don´t even feel that He is keeping all your situations under control but as a matter of fact, He has already set the limit of your hardships. God will not let things, that are above what you can bear, enter your life. You probably underestimate your own strength, but God knows better. When your reasoning is right you prevail over hardships. God will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, so you can overcome all difficulties in life – that´s the idea you should feed your mind with.

God doesn’t want us to give up! II

God doesn’t want us to give up! II

Yesterday we started talking about how not to give up, when problems and trials are all around us. Today we are going to continue about it and I would like to share with you where we can find the strength for it.

In order for us not to give up when dealing with hardships and challenges we must know that problems are a common thing and a part of life. Nobody is secured against them no matter how big your love for God is. If you think that you are the only one with problems and the others don’t have any, then you set yourself up for failure.

God doesn’t want us to give up!

God doesn’t want us to give up!

Nowadays many people give up as soon as something does not go like they expected or some problems start to choke them. I will tell you honestly that it is not hard to go through different problems with dignity, – you must learn it. It does not happen automatically; you must prepare yourself for it. If we won’t prepare ourselves ahead of time, then at difficult times we will fail and give up. Lack of discipline and preparation will create instability in our lives and will hinder our progress.

Why is it so important to hold on to eternal life?

Why is it so important to hold on to eternal life?

If you won’t be alert and pray, you won’t even notice how eternal life will slip away from you. Have you ever tried to hold a live fish in your hands? Even if you manage to take it, it can cunningly slip out of your hands. In the very same way eternal life can slip away from you without you even noticing. You won’t notice the moment when that happens. You could go on with your religious activities, attending church meetings, praying, reading the Bible, but not be on the way to eternal life. None of these things is able to guarantee to you that you will surely keep eternal life. You know, so many unbelievers do all these things: they go to church, read their Bibles, pray.

But he who endures to the end shall be saved!

But he who endures to the end shall be saved!

The question arises why so many people start their walk with God but turn aside in one of the crossroads of life; they turn back to where they came from. It reminds me the story of Jewish people. For a long time this nation was in slavery in Egypt. They were burdened by hard work with no payment. The nation of Israel cried out to God, and God delivered them and brought them out of Egypt. They had to walk to the Promised Land. Every day they were getting closer to it. There were difficulties on their way; they had to flee some wrong things, avoid making wrong decisions, wrong relationships; they had to overcome grumbling and complaining. Israelites had to obtain more and more knowledge of God while heading towards their Promised Land.