Sacrifice as a measure of love!

Greetings to you, dear friends! I am grateful to God for another opportunity to share with you a word of wisdom from the Lord. God has put on my heart to talk about sacrifice as a measure of love.Where love goes, sacrifice follows. Thus, the depth of my love can be measured by my readiness to sacrifice. Many people say that they love God, but we can’t forget that our love is not measured by our confession alone. Our love is measured by the sacrifices we make!God Himself is the standard of love; He is perfect Love. That is why we should learn from Him what real love is. We are born into this world as complete egoists and self-seekers. Every sin starts with selfishness which says, „I only do what I like, what I want, and what I prefer! And I don’t do what I don’t like, what I don’t want, and what I don’t prefer!”True picture of a worldly person is as follows: he lives for himself and for his comfort; he only seeks those things that are profitable and pleasant to him; his thoughts are selfish and revolve around him only.But when God meets such a person and he opens his heart for Jesus Christ, then things start changing for him and in him. God’s love fills the heart of a newly reborn person. God is love, and by accepting Christ into his heart, he allows God’s love to find place and abide in him. If God is love – and we find confirmation of this truth in the Bible, – then we need to look at Him as our example and learn how true love behaves.
«For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life» (John, 3: 16)
God so loved the world that sacrificed what was His most precious possession – His only begotten Son. God sacrificed Jesus so that sin would not rule over us, so that we would not spend eternity in hell and have hope the future.How can we learn and prove that God loves us? We read about it in the Bible, but is God’s love only expressed in words? We read that God loves us, and it is the most sure prophetic message that He communicates to you every day when you come into His presence. We know that God loves us not only from His word, but also from the fact that He sacrificed His best for our sake.
 «But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us» (Romans, 5: 8).
Notice the phrase «God demonstrates His own love toward us». God’s love is the love that has been proved by His sacrifice.
«But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us» (Romans, 5: 8).
So, sacrifice is the proof and measure of our love! Every one of us needs this love, because it heals us and gives us courage and boldness we need.We will continue tomorrow! God bless you!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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