We must walk not only before God, but also before people God has set as overseers in our lives

We must walk not only before God, but also before people God has set as overseers in our lives

I must note that ‘accountability group’ (small group, home group) is not the place where you only share your problems or weaknesses. Of course, accountability implies all of it. But if we only do that, then there is no time for instruction or feed-back, and then this group can turn into a place of gossip and slandering.

Accountability group or Christian fellowship is the place of learning where we all strive to be more like Jesus. We do it through questions and answers, Bible study, prayer; we listen to each other and support each other.

How accountability helps us to change and grow spiritually?

How accountability helps us to change and grow spiritually?

Accountability is a sincere confession or opening of one’s secrets of his Christian walk to the others in the atmosphere of mutual trust. We are ready to give account of what we do with our lives, what we understand or do not understand, in what areas are weak or in need of assistance. When we are accountable we are willing to admit whether we are growing or not. We are able to give account of what we are learning in order to receive support, encouragement or correction.

Joseph was pursuing particular goal when testing them: he wanted to know whether they had changed!

Joseph was pursuing particular goal when testing them: he wanted to know whether they had changed!

Remember, what is the first sign of a change man? It is the changed attitude towards other people. Joseph’s attitude towards his brothers tells us that he had been changed. Imagine that these were the people that sold him into slavery and caused him to go through pain, misery, losses, trials and serious problems. And now brothers came to Joseph for help and he helped – freely and with no desire to pay back for all the pain. He was able to do it because he was changed and freed from unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment.

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within II

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within II

Only the Lord knows the true condition of our hearts, and He wants to help us look into our hearts using the relationships we are involved in. Our views, actions and lack of actions, our words – all of these things cause particular reaction which determines the level of our spiritual maturity.

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within!

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within!

When we talk about changes, we talk about the condition of one’s heart. What others do to us does not come from us; it is directed towards us to test the condition of our hearts. Our reaction to the actions of others and the outside pressure determine the content of our hearts.

«Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life» (Proverbs, 4:23).

How can our relationships with other people help us change?

How can our relationships with other people help us change?

All people need change; we help each other through relationships that we are involved. God alone does not need to change; all the people, on the other side, desperately need to change. We need each other and we help each other to change. If we do not understand it and lose sight of it, then it will be hard for us to build any relationships.

Which group of people do you belong to today – the disciples or the multitude?

Which group of people do you belong to today – the disciples or the multitude?

Church is being built by Jesus Who said: «Follow Me, and I will make you». It means that until you start following Jesus there are not guarantees that your life will change. Changes do not result from religious activities; they are a result of following Jesus.

Changes mean working hard persistently!

Changes mean working hard persistently!

God does this work through the Holy Spirit. We can collaborate with God in this process by our full obedience to Him.

God wants to change you. If you are shy today, God wants to see you bold. If you are doubtful today, God wants to see you full of faith. Even if you are shy and pretend being as such because you inherited this quality from your ancestors and relatives – let me tell you, God desires to change it in you. He will accomplish this task if you allow it to Him.

Jesus transforms those that follow Him III

Jesus transforms those that follow Him III

We must keep God’s call to change right before our eyes as one of the most important goals. As soon as we come to God and enter His Kingdom, the desire to change and grow into the likeness of Jesus should be our single desire and our daily bread. And when we start changing, the things around us will change along with the inward changes we experience. Then the most awful situation will change for better and terrible problems will be solved. All of this will happen along with the transformation of our character in the process of the spiritual growth.