If we are not ready to change and start resisting them, then we are not really ready to be a disciple of Jesus Christ

If we are not ready to change and start resisting them, then we are not really ready to be a disciple of Jesus Christ

What does it mean to be a disciple? A disciple is a person who is learning from someone else and knows that he needs to grow and gain some knowledge. A disciple is one who follows both the teaching and the life of his or her teacher. He imitates his teacher and later grows into the likeness of his teacher.

True joy is a power that helps us to go ´till the end and reach the goal

True joy is a power that helps us to go ´till the end and reach the goal

Even nowadays Jesus is still rejoicing when sees God´s will fulfilled on Earth as on Heaven. Do you want to please God more? Then consecrate yourself to reveal and fulfil His will for your life.

You, for example, can dedicate your life to do your best drawing sinners into the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven rejoice each time when one sinner repents his sins on Earth.

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t II

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t II

Jesus as our Model made friends based on his or her willingness to do God´s will. His never chose friends just because a certain person was a relative or a stranger, poor or rich, a law teacher or a sinner. Those who desired to do God´s will were “a brother, a sister and a mother” to Him. In opposite case Jesus only tried to help such person to understand the purpose of his life and unite him or her with the Creator while those who wanted to do God´s will in their life became His best friends.

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t

How and with whom you spend your time reflect your consecration and desire to do God´s will. Looking at the life of Jesus, we can see whom He preferred to spend most of His time with, namely, those who similar to Him desired to do God´s will. If you surround yourself with people who are not going anywhere in this life, you will soon lose your purpose and direction in your life as well. Spending a lot of time with those who have no revelation about their lives soon also you won´t be able to see the goal of your life. Exactly these things happened to Abraham. God called him out of his country, his relatives and his father´s house to the land God showed to him.

A person dedicated to God is able to have joy despite of the circumstances and to always be grateful to God

A person dedicated to God is able to have joy despite of the circumstances and to always be grateful to God

A dedicated man has joy even during trials and testings and knows how to go through grief; his greatest joy is when his life goes according to God’s plan.

In order to see these principles working in your life, we should look at the life of Jesus Who clearly demonstrated what it means to be dedicated to God and doing of His will.

The fruitfulness of a Christian starts with the discovery of God’s will in all areas of  his life and the readiness to fulfills it

The fruitfulness of a Christian starts with the discovery of God’s will in all areas of his life and the readiness to fulfills it

«And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God» (Romans, 12: 2).

We are filled with the knowledge of God’s will through renewing our minds by the Word of God. Through the renewal of our minds we learn to think as God thinks and look at our lives through His eyes. You won’t be able to please God if you are not doing His will for your life. In order to do His will you first need to discover it. That is why wise people who want to bring real fruit for God through their lives devote themselves to discovering and comprehending what God wants to do in their lives and through their lives. We have pointed out many times that a person can become fruitful by renewing of his or her mind through personal fellowship with God, prayer and intensive study of God’s Word.

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God III

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God III

It is only in doing the will of God that you can find protection, prosperity and satisfaction in this life. Your success is always connected to whether or not you fulfill God´s expectation for your life . No one else can provide the answer to that question except you and God. Please keep in mind, that you are personally responsible before God for the fulfillment of His assignment for your life!

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God!

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God!

First of all, you need a revelation from God. Learning to recognise the voice of your Heavenly Father and getting to know Him as your best friend is vitally important. God is willing to give you wisdom, understanding and revelation in every sphere of your life. Though, when a revelation and wisdom are received from God, you have to write them down in whole. Then it becomes a spring of life, that gives breathe to you and brings hope that releases faith and trust on God in you.

To write something down means to record the vision a paper. We have to put it down clearly, the way it makes sense to us later. Thus, we can bring our vision into reality, so that we can expect it and put our hopes upon. This is one of the methods how to cling with the vision together and dedicate yourself to fulfil it. Prophet Habakkuk reminds us about the importance of writing down the vision you have received from God.