When we pray, invisible chains that bind people suddenly fall off!

When we pray, invisible chains that bind people suddenly fall off!

If prayer becomes a priority in your life, your life will show signs of obvious favour from God and men. But every person must taste it for himself; it is not enough to hear about it. It is through prayer that we can experience the goodness of God. It strengthens our relationship with God. It helps us to have confidence in God despite the circumstances. I am sure that my God is good, because I have personally experienced it. I have tasted His goodness through prayer.

Without God I cannot, but with Him I can do all!

Without God I cannot, but with Him I can do all!

We can not do the works of God without God. Very often in our own strength, we try to do what God requires us to do with Him. Often we rely on ourselves and on things we already know. Often we rely on our experience. But when the prayer is our priority we understand that when relying on ourselves and doing the job without prayer, we are wasting time and energy. Without a strong prayer movement in the church, the church vision cannot be accomplished. It´s just not possible!

Precondition for effective prayer is prayer in practice

Precondition for effective prayer is prayer in practice

Prayer must be practiced daily. We will not be able to become masters and professionals in what we do not practice every day. If we do not practice prayer, we will not know how to pray properly. Again I would like to emphasize one truth we spoke of last time. In the life for each of us, once the time comes when most of all we need prayer. But if we do not practice prayer daily, we will not be able to ask and receive the necessary assistance from God at that particular time. May this not happen with us.

Prayer changes us and the things that are around us, it changes our world. Everyone can find that a prayer is power, it is a privilege for a believer from God Himself.

Effective prayer of a believer is a serious threat to Satan´s plans and actions

Effective prayer of a believer is a serious threat to Satan´s plans and actions

Why does Satan hate it and is afraid of the prayers of the children of God? This is because in a prayer, we and God become a team – an invincible team. In the Book of Daniel, there is a description of an event when a certain group of people prompted the king to issue a law prohibiting contact in a prayer with the living God. Except for the living God, they were allowed to pray any other gods. They were allowed to ask for help to people, but not only living God. And it was Satan´s plan. Why does Satan put these obstacles? Because he realized that the prayer is power.

Prayer is just like breathing; it is the heavenly aroma that accompanies our life and activities

Prayer is just like breathing; it is the heavenly aroma that accompanies our life and activities

Prayer is the living breath of heaven. As believers, we can be givers and can be involved in many important activities; nevertheless, without prayer all this ‘work’ will lack the heavenly breath of life. Take a look at artificial flowers: they are beautiful, but have no aroma. We are able to do good works without prayer; but we have to realize that our works will lack the aroma of life, the footprints of heaven. If these flowers were alive, then they would smell.

Through prayer we invite God to take part in our lives

Through prayer we invite God to take part in our lives

God does not come into our lives without being asked. Praying means to invite God to come and help us. It is a realization of the fact that I am weak and there is One Who is stronger than me, Who loves me and cares for me. Prayer is an invitation to the One Who is stronger than me and my circumstances.

Do you remember Jairus? We read about him in Mark (5:22-23). He had sent his people to Jesus to invite Him to his house, because his daughter was on the verge of death.

Prayer is submitting to the will of God

Prayer is submitting to the will of God

When we pray we place ourselves in submission to God’s will for our lives. The very fact that you come to God in prayer is the proof of your submission to God.

The Bible tells us to pray always; it is the command of the Lord. That is why when I come to God in prayer then the very act of praying places me in the position of submission to this command. In other words, if I don’t pray, thus I demonstrate the lack of submission to the will of God; because praying is the command of God.



The whole world lies in wickedness and darkness, but, looking at the people that have made prayer their priority #1, you realize that – so to speak – they are from another planet; they do not live in darkness because they seem shining. They have problems and their life is not any different, but they approach their problems in a different way and they look forward into the future in a different way. Prayer so alters their lives and strengthens their relationships with God that they do not notice things that others do.

Prayer is our spiritual breathing

Prayer is our spiritual breathing

Ask God for grace to arrange your life for effective praying. Be honest with yourself today. Is your prayer life effective, or it has turned into fruitless routine? Maybe your really do not have any prayer relationships with God? You alone can answer these questions. We often talk of prayer; we hear of prayer. It makes us think that we know what prayer is. But do we practise praying? We know that prayer is necessary for our spiritual life, just like air is necessary for our physical life. We must be enough diligent and disciplined to pray.

Prayer is petitioning God and receiving from Him II

Prayer is petitioning God and receiving from Him II

Prayer is one of the ways to find out the will of God. Why did Jesus say that He did nothing but what He saw His Father do? Why did Jesus pray? Why did He do what He did? Because He sought the will of God in prayer and received the revelation of God’s will.

Let’s look at Moses. God gave Moses the law; God told him to deal with the nation according to it. But while the nation of Israel was in desert Moses faced different situation that were not described in the law.