What are you doing with your promotion? III

What are you doing with your promotion? III

Whosoever desires to be promoted by God needs to remain humble and simple. I have noticed that many of us cannot sing and dance before the Lord because we have become very important. Remember how freely you worshipped the Lord when you first got saved! It is rather difficult to fellowship with some believers nowadays, because they have become so ‘adult’, serious, important… David, the shepherd, and King David – both praised and loved God in the same way; the change of position in life did not affect the condition of his heart. We have to cleanse our hearts from haughtiness and pride.

What are you doing with your promotion? II

What are you doing with your promotion? II

If you want God to exalt you, you need to love God and love people. God exalts the loving hearts. Love God and love your neighbour – these are two main commandments. All of your knowledge won’t bring any results, if you forget these two most important commandments.

You probably have noticed that God does not answer all prayers. There are some prayers that God does not pay attention to; it happens when we break two most important commandments – to love God and to love your neighbour. Love towards God and people around you are the very power that must rule us and lead us through life. Love towards God and people that is demonstrated in deeds and not in words brings us to the place where promotion from God is possible.

What are you doing with your promotion?

What are you doing with your promotion?

Promotion is connected to the issue of wealth, and we are not talking just about money. Riches are more than money. Health, joy, good relationships, peace, rest, and love – those too are riches. Many people have lots of money, but they lack true riches. God tells us today not to be haughty and not trust in material things; we need to trust God alone. We should be generous and sociable. When problems come, God is the only One Who can help us. Trust God and do good works. By doing this, you will draw God’s attention and earn God’s promotion.

How can we earn promotion? III

How can we earn promotion? III

God has set particular order in His Kingdom; there are some principles that the Kingdom of God is based on: humble people open for themselves the grace of walking in the fear of the Lord and they experience riches, honour and full life from God, – the Word of God says so. Prideful and haughty sooner or later are humbled and their life is filled with falls and destruction.

If we desire God’s promotion we need to walk in humility and obedience to God. So many people after they get promoted become unapproachable, unsociable, and haughty.

How can we earn promotion? II

How can we earn promotion? II

Who of you desires for God to be with you as the Partner at home, at work, and everywhere else? God wants it more than we do. But God can not deviate from His principles. Many believers deceive themselves thinking that God is with them, even though their life does not testify of it. It is a paradox. You may think that since God has promised to be with you and never to leave you or forsake you, He is indebted to be with you. It is also possible that God is with us, but not in a pleasant way. It is not about God; it is about how we live.

How can we earn promotion?

How can we earn promotion?

Every one of us desires to see God in our lives – strong and mighty God. It is important for us how God sees us and what He sees in us and in our hearts. I was born to meet needs of other people.

God is always good! He does not change. Your problems or illnesses cannot alter the mercy of God towards you. God is always good, and that is God that we serve. Do not let devil deceive you. Know that God is always good! He wants to promote us, but He is looking for a particular individual. He is searching for a person who deserves to be promoted.

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? IV

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? IV

«Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honoured» (Proverbs, 13:18).

When an individual does not accept correction and advice, then it makes it difficult to help him to become more responsible. As we have mentioned before, an irresponsible person always considers himself to be right; in his opinion he never errs and because of it he has a hard time accepting reprimand and correction. If a person has come to a point when nobody can speak into his life, then downfall of such a person is practically inevitable.

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? III

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? III

Fear paralyzes and limits a person, takes away his strength and courage for going forward; it does not allow person’s talents and gifts to come out on the surface. Fear steals person’s faith in God. A wicked heart makes a person selfish and stains his motives. Such a person is alienated from the true understanding of responsibility for his words and actions. He lives according to the principle “I do not owe a thing to anybody; everybody owes me!»

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? II

Why do people choose to be irresponsible? II

Being responsible is connected to the condition of person’s heart. If the heart is wicked and the mind is not renewed, then it would be futile to expect responsible behaviour. The servant who buried his talent did not think highly of his lord. He considered his lord to be a cruel man who reaps where he has not sown and gathers where he has not scattered seed. Because of these ponderings in his heart he did not have the motivation to do his best

Why do people choose to be irresponsible?

Why do people choose to be irresponsible?

If you want to learn to be responsible, the first thing you need to overcome is fear on all levels of your life. It is absolutely necessary to grow in being bold and courageous. Bible says that the only fear we can have is the fear of God. The fear of God releases us from all other fear, especially the fear of men. The fear of men brings bondage.

«The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe» (Proverbs, 29:25).