God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom  III

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom III

«His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord’» (Mathew, 25:23).

Some people get tired and need help even before they start to do something significant. But tell me! Is it possible that you need rest or take a break from God? Is it possible that you need rest from serving Him? No! We can serve God everywhere. You can be on a plane and serve people who sit by you. You can serve God on a beach, at work, everywhere; because in all of these places there are people who need God.

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom II

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom II

«But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises, for God is my defence, my God of mercy» (Psalm 59:16-17).

God is our strength! He is our defence! He is the One who shows mercy every day! Let’s lift Him up in the morning, afternoon and evening, for He is good!

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom

«So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’» (Luke, 19:13).

This verse clearly states that the master told his servants to do business with the things they were given. The master expected them to get some profit from his ‘investment’.

Greatness starts with little things!

Greatness starts with little things!

Begin using the little things you have and be faithful and consistent in it; then you will be surprised to see what can grow out of it. The seed of greatness is in every person right now. But this seed will grow and bring harvest only if you will plant it and use it according to its original purpose.

«A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time» (Isaiah, 60:22).

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have! II

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have! II

God gives to us gifts according to our ability, so He does not call us to do the thigs we are not able to. If God has asked you to do something, it is only because He knows you are able to do it. He won’t give you more than you are able to bear. Simply use what you have.

I once read a story about a woman who built a school for the needy. Before she began this, a desire was born in her heart to do it. It became her dream that she was thinking of consistently. At that moment she did not have a thing: no textbooks, no teachers, no building, and no money. But she did have a tremendous desire to fulfil her dream.

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have!

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have!

Every human being is a unique work of God. Every one has been given unique abilities and talents. There isn’t one unnecessary person on this earth; there isn’t one insignificant talent or ability. Everything that God created is needed by someone and is intended as a blessing for someone. Look at yourself today in a new light and see that you are a unique personality highly gifted by God; you are a unique specimen. There isn’t another person on this earth like you! But sometimes we are distracted when we start comparing ourselves to others and envying them just because they have something we do not have. For this reason we stop appreciating the things that God has given us and sometimes it makes us passive and inert.

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling IV

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling IV

«Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heave, that it cannot hear» (Isaiah, 59:1).

God loves every person. He has prepared an amazing destiny for every one of us. Each person is born for specific purpose. Every one has a calling, but only the Lord knows what that calling includes. When a person fully submits to the Lord, then He opens to this person everything that concerns his or her calling.

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling III

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling III

If you desire to find out what your calling is and to start walking in it, then, first of all, be obedient to God on a daily basis; secondly, let Jesus to become the Lord in all the areas of your life.

It is our honour and privilege to have Jesus Christ as our Lord, since He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The lordship of Jesus does not humiliate and limit a person; quite the opposite is true, – it exalts and adorns human life.

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling II

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling II

«For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you» (Isaiah, 54:10).

How wonderful is God’s Word! How amazing and powerful are the promises of God to His children! Our God is God of mercy and love. He created a man in His image and likeness. God is the Creator of all the visible and invisible things.

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling

Daily obedience to God in different areas of your life will bring you to your calling

To every person that does not know his calling yet, I advise to be obedient to God on daily basis. If you will be obedient to God in your daily walk, then you will learn your calling; you will hear God and understand what He is calling you to.

Daily obedience to God will bring a person to full realization of his or her calling. The big picture or the global project consists of multitude of small detail. As the saying goes, «Every trip starts with the first step».

Repentance is the first step. After you repent of your sins, Jesus becomes your Lord. What does that mean? The Lordship of Jesus implies doing of what He tells you.