It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading! III

It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading! III

«A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks» (Luke, 6:45).

Some people continually blame others and their hearts are full of negative things, fear, insecurities. The reason is that they have allowed these things to enter their hearts and settle in. Whatever you let in, the same things also goes out.

It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading! II

It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading! II

The Word of God that you keep in your heart will save you! In hard times, when people rise against you with slander and when all the circumstances seem to be against you, only the Word of God that you have in your heart will save you. That is why we say that God’s Word is our support system. It is like a bearing wall in a building. If you take it down, the building will collapse. A bearing wall carries the weight.

It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading!

It is the content of your heart that determines where your life is heading!

God wants His people to know His Word – the truth which sets us free from lies and sin. The Bibles says that Jesus came to give us life – life in abundance. God’s life is contained in His Word. God’s wisdom and might is contained in His Word! God wants you to realise what great treasure there is for you in His Word. This treasure is not comparable with any silver or gold. God’s Word – it is a jewel beyond price, everlasting, and it brings health, answers and solutions.

How important it is to guard your heart because this is where the source of life flows from

How important it is to guard your heart because this is where the source of life flows from

In order for life to flow from us, we need to first be filled with this life. Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. Receiving Christ as your Lord and Saviour, we accept His life itself within us. But this life has to be constantly strengthened within us, and it is possible when we are filled with the Word of God. You yourself determine what you fulfil your heart with – the Word of God or this world’s system of values, holiness or sin, faith or fear. The Word of God brings faith, strength, and health into our lives. Walking in holiness allows us to see the manifestation of God’s power in our lives. Faith in God, based on the Word of God, connects us with God and His possibilities.

On what does your destiny depend? II

On what does your destiny depend? II

«My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life» (Proverbs, 4:20-23).
Based on this Scripture, we can argue that the course of your life, my destiny or yours should not depend on somebody else but on ourselves. You must take charge of your life and destiny!

On what does your destiny depend?

On what does your destiny depend?

We mostly think that our destiny is determined by other people or how they act toward us. Or we think that destiny depends on the circumstances that surround us or things that happen around us. But it is not true, and God does not think that way! God knows that the circumstances in your life won’t define your life. What people do or do not do to you cannot determine your life. Your destiny is defined by where your heart is. Thus, God tells us that we have to guard our hearts with all diligence.

If you want to enjoy God’s favour you must develop Godly character

If you want to enjoy God’s favour you must develop Godly character

We have found how the law of sowing and reaping as well as and our gratitude works to release the power of God’s favour in our lives. The last point i will like you to pay attention to is how a person’s character can slow down or speed up the favour of God in his or her life.

If you want to have successes with God or with people you should become a person of Godly character.

If you want to walk in the favour of God – be a grateful person!

If you want to walk in the favour of God – be a grateful person!

Lack of gratitude stops the flow of favour in the life of a person. You cannot be tired of blessing a grateful person.
David was a grateful man. He was grateful to God and called others to thank God with him.

«Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together» (Psalm, 34: 3).

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so!

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so!

Was the favour of God accidental in Mordecai’s life? No way! Favour is released and operates according to particular laws. One of these laws is the law of sowing and reaping.
If you will be consistent in sowing favour and mercy into the lives of other people you will be sure of favours coming into your life at the very moment you need it the most.

The importance of favouring the Kingdom of God II

The importance of favouring the Kingdom of God II

«..being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ» (Philippians, 1:6).

Why was Paul so confident that the Lord will complete the good work He has begun in the lives of believers? If you pay careful attention to the context, you will see that his confidence is based upon the attitude of these people towards the work of God.

In the beginning of his letter Paul said that these people had been preaching the Gospel from the very beginning of their walk with God.