We can understand God and spiritual things by the spirit

We can understand God and spiritual things by the spirit

«Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path» (Psalm, 119:105).

God’s Word is a light for me. By reading it I move towards light; it gives light to my steps. I get enlightened by God. God’s Word illuminates our path and brings clarity and direction to our lives. When we read it, clearness comes into our lives.

There is so much confusion in the lives of many believers about different life issues. We understand that as believers we cannot live the same way the unbelievers live in this world, because God’s Spirit has inhabited our hearts and we are now the children of God.

Doctrine shows us which direction we should take

Doctrine shows us which direction we should take

When we read the Bible we receive doctrine, which means we start to see where we should go. Through the reading of the Bible we are shown the direction for our thought life, our words and all other areas of our lives.

Besides, the Bible is profitable for reproof. Quite often we start walking the way the Bible has shown us, but then we somehow get distracted, lose the right direction and get sidetracked. It is through reproof that we are shown that we have taken the wrong path

Hidden wisdom

Hidden wisdom

There is wisdom that is revealed and open for some people and continues to open daily; but for some people, this wisdom is like hidden treasure they are not able to enjoy. It is the Word of God that is God’s treasure. Today we will talk about God’s Word and about our attitude towards it. The people that have the Bible have a true treasure at their disposal.

Wrong motivation

Wrong motivation

Spirit of competition .

Some people are moved by the desire to prove to others what they can do. Those that are moved by this spirit can’t be still if they see someone else doing better than them. These people continually try to prove something to others, because they compare themselves to others all the time. They live according to someone else’s schedule since they do not have their own. The word of God said this is a wrong attitude:

What drives your life?

What drives your life?

There are many things that drive people’s life, motivate them and influence their system of values.

Many believers are driven by wrong motives today. In order to live strategically you definitely have to ask yourself these questions: “Why do I do what I do?”, “What are my secret motives?”, “What values influence my life?”, “What affects my decisions and my choice?”, “What is driving me in the spending of my money and time?”, “What drives my life?”

Life is short

Life is short

All things we have mentioned so far are connected together. Life is time, life is a goal, life is a test, life is trust, and now life is short.

This world as we know it now is not your home. God has a New Heaven and a new earth. The kingdom and the system of this world will be overthrown so that it becomes the Kingdom of our God and His Christ. Your life itself is regarded as a vapour that appears for a little time.

Life is a trust

Life is a trust

You should understand there is nothing that belongs to you. Your life itself is not yours, it’s a trust God has shown to you. Understanding this truth changes the way you respond to what is going on around you.

You do not live for yourself; you did not appear on this Earth by your own act of will or for your own personal purpose. God has given life to you as a sign of His trust for you. You are entrusted with life from God and the day will come when you will have to give account to God for the life He given to you, – for all your deeds and words while living in your body.

Life is a test II

Life is a test II

God puts us through test in order to search our hearts.

We understand that God knows everything. Therefore, He must know what is inside your heart, right? It’s written in the Bible that God knows all my thoughts, isn’t it? If so, why does God need to test me in order know what my heart is filled with since he already know?

Life is a test

Life is a test

Once we understand our life is a test, many questioned get solved by themselves and we can rejoice and enjoy our life. Those who understand that life is a test, they treat every difficult situation as an opportunity, not as an obstacle. The Bible often tells us how God tests His children. He is not doing it because He hates us nor because He wants to see our fall. Not at all! God puts us in test for few reasons. God blessed Abraham with a son first, then tested him asking to sacrifice his son on the altar. God allowed ordeals in Job’s life, then Job went through all that horror and bitterness.

Life is a Purpose

Life is a Purpose

God has created each of you for a certain purpose. God has a common purpose and a personal (individual) purpose for each of us. Our common goal is to glorify the Lord. However, God also has a peculiar purpose He has created every individual to fulfill. I was sent to the Earth to solve certain problems. If you are driven by such awareness you will live a strategical life. Each of you has a certain goal and a purpose set by God.