Your gift will make room for you

Today I would like to start talking about the topic I have titled as: “Your gift will make room for you”. The Word of God says: «A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men» (Proverbs, 18: 16).

Your gift will make room for you and will broaden your boarders, if you won’t hide it. So many times believers ask: «Where is my place in the Body of Christ? What is my calling?»

Do what you know. This simple principle gives an answer to many questions. Find the thing that you know how to do; find what you can do to promote the Kingdom of God, to help the church to grow and to extend your influence in the society.

Why we can’t grow spiritually if we do not serve others?

Here is one of the reasons why we can’t grow spiritually if we do not serve others. If we do not serve we become like those who only receive and not give out. Sooner or later such a person starts to stink spiritually. Look at any body of water that water flows into but doesn’t flow out of. After some time this water becomes stagnant and lifeless.

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants

For several days we have been discussing the blessedness of ministry. We established that through ministry we become entitled for continuous flow of God’s mercy. Ministry to others always fills our lives with blessings. But we shouldn’t be motivated by the desire to get God’s blessings; our motive is love for God and people which God sends into your life.

There are three main types of believers: observers, consumers/users and servants. What type of a believer are you? What are you: an observer, a user or a servant? Today we will attempt to establish what distinguishes observers and consumers from servants.

Ministry and giving determines the measure of one’s spiritual growth and maturity

We are still talking about the blessedness of ministry and giving. We discussed that the one who loves God always serves people. Whoever serves people is blessed and exalted by God. God can’t support those that are only concerned with their own well-being and does not have any time for the promotion of the Kingdom of God.

Ministry and giving determines the measure of one’s spiritual growth and maturity. It also determines how much I bear a resemblance to Jesus Christ. God wants us to grow spiritually. One of the indications of one’s spiritual growth is how he or she fulfils the needs of others. Such a person not only takes and receives, but also gives. Giving and ministry is one and the same word that determines how much of resemblance to Jesus Christ I bear.

Isaiah saw three important things that totally changed his life

Whoever loves God serves people. The one who serves people is blessed and exalted by God. Ministry is a sacrifice. When you serve, you give what is yours – time, money, energy, sleep, food etc. God loves generous hearts, and He can’t pass by this type of people.

Do you know why God blessed Abraham? It was because Abraham was a generous man. He was ready to give anything to God. Abraham left his family in obedience to God; he yielded to his nephew and allowed him to choose a place of lodging first. Abraham gave tithe to God at the time when no such law existed. He did not refuse to sacrifice to God his own son. For this reason God blessed him.

The blessedness or beauty of serving others

Today I would like to start discussing about the blessedness or beauty of serving others.

Ministry is a widespread concept among believers. In essence, ministry is giving of all things: giving of one’s talents and gifts, one’s knowledge and time, one’s heart and resources. The Kingdom of God is built through such giving. Your church is built by your giving and ministry. It says in the Bible that it is more blessed to give than to receive. God blesses those who serve, so if you want to get to the top of God’s blessedness learn to serve God and people.

We have to be ready to go wherever God sends us to

As we concluded yesterday, we have to become obedient disciples, so that our families, our church and our towns can be stirred. God uses obedient disciples to fulfil His prophesies and restore His will on Earth. Even more, we have to be ready to go wherever God sends us to. Thus we can fulfil our calling. Obedience to call begins with obedience to short instructions God gives to us through His word and our leaders in Christ.

It´s also important to know that Jesus knows everything, He possesses all hidden information, necessary for our mission. That´s why obedience to the Lord who knows everything is vitally important! When Jesus had a need for a donkey to ride upon to Jerusalem, He knew where to find the animal. He knew where to go and find that donkey. He knew how to bring that donkey to Him.

We are hands, feet, mouth and heart of our God

We concluded that we are hands, feet, mouth and heart of our God. If we refuse to collaborate with God, He will not be able to act or fulfil His plan in our cities and our countries. We stopped at what do we have to do in order to witness spiritual revival filling our cities? To make it happen we must become obedient disciples of Jesus Christ. God uses this kind of people to fulfil His prophesies and restore His will on Earth.

Obedient disciple is one who moves and works for God, not sitting and doing nothing, so God can move through such person.

Jesus came to fill the Earth with His glory

Jesus didn´t come into this world to die on the cross so that people become religious and indifferent to God. Contrariwise, Jesus came to fill the Earth with His glory just like rivers fill the seas. Jesus set an example of what we have to do. Wherever Jesus showed up He stirred the place! Everywhere He showed up people responded to His visit both positively and negatively. Some of them said: “Watch the Messiah, He is the answer, He is the son of God!” while the others stated: “He is obsessed by demons, He is a sinner, blasphemer, He is dangerous, so He must die”.

God trusts us and relies on us

Yesterday we discoursed that in one hand we believe in God, trust and rely on Him, while in the other hand God trusts us and relies on us. God needs us the moment when He lacks some of His bear necessities.

« Because I have called, and you have refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no one has paid attention; … Then will they call on me, but I will not answer. They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me; Because they hated knowledge, And didn’t choose the fear of Yahweh. »
(Proverbs 1:24, 28, 29).