Jesus came to fill the Earth with His glory

Jesus didn´t come into this world to die on the cross so that people become religious and indifferent to God. Contrariwise, Jesus came to fill the Earth with His glory just like rivers fill the seas. Jesus set an example of what we have to do. Wherever Jesus showed up He stirred the place! Everywhere He showed up people responded to His visit both positively and negatively. Some of them said: “Watch the Messiah, He is the answer, He is the son of God!” while the others stated: “He is obsessed by demons, He is a sinner, blasphemer, He is dangerous, so He must die”.

God trusts us and relies on us

Yesterday we discoursed that in one hand we believe in God, trust and rely on Him, while in the other hand God trusts us and relies on us. God needs us the moment when He lacks some of His bear necessities.

« Because I have called, and you have refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no one has paid attention; … Then will they call on me, but I will not answer. They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me; Because they hated knowledge, And didn’t choose the fear of Yahweh. »
(Proverbs 1:24, 28, 29).

God wants you to become His co-worker

When you love somebody and you know he has a problem but you have a solution for him what will be your action then? Would you sit and do nothing about it? You surely won´t. It´s one of the biggest issues people have that they only focus on their own problems, forgetting about God´s needs. God wants His children to be a part of the solution for His needs.

Worthy Goal for Life II

Yesterday we started talking about our goals. Everyone has them. We discussed that there are worthy and less worthy goals. We also saw that after meeting Christ, Paul devoted his life to Him; earnest expectation of Christ to be glorified in his body and through his life became his main goal in life. It is very important to ascertain for ourselves what our goals are.

You and I have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ and we have peace with God. But it is just the beginning. Having been reconciled with God is just the beginning of the Christian walk. What awaits us afterwards? Through faith we gain Access to God’s grace and we expect the glory of God to be progressively revealed in us and through us.

Worthy Goal for Life

Peace to you, my dear friends! I greet you on this wonderful day and pray for the Lord to help you in your walk and give you success in everything you will do today. Today I would like to start talking about „Worthy Goal for Life”.

Every person has a goal, whether he talks about it or not. He is driven to do something. But if we talk about goals, it is important to determinewhether it is WORTHY or UNWORTHY.

Faith is obedience to the Lord! II

«Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.» (Hebrew 11:6). As we mentioned earlier, faith means acting in accordance to the word of God. Quite often God calls us to do impossible things, those only God Himself can accomplish. God is not inviting us to demonstrate our own capabilities, but what He is able to do through us. That´s why God often gives us the tasks we cannot accomplish without Him.

Faith is obedience to the Lord!

ew days we have been discussing the ways of how to experience God´s power and mercy in your life. We discovered that love to God and close relationships with Him help you to get to know His heart and His will towards your life while making your heart sensitive to His Spirit. Once our heart is sensitive to the Holy Spirit we are certain about what to do and how to act in order to glorify God through us.

How can we experience God in our life? III

Let Him talk to your heart today. We keep on talking about how we can experience God´s presence, power and His mercy in our life. Yesterday we stated that constant fellowship with God is mandatory in order to experience these things. We quoted many verses from Scripture telling us that people who love God have obvious advantages. For such people God has prepared many pleasant surprises and all things together work for good in their lives and God Himself appears to them.

«We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.» (Romans 8:28).

Submission to God

Submission to God doesn´t mean doing everything that comes to your mind. Contrariwise, it makes us responsible for getting to know what God bears in His heart regarding His will to our life. For this reason you have to submit yourself in whole to the Lord in order to have fellowship with Him as a source of inspiration, freshness and guidance. Everybody who experienced His power in his life and became a tool of His mercy constantly submitted himself to the Lord.

How can we experience God in our life?

The God´s mercy is renewed for us this morning. The Bible says: «Let everything that has breath praise Yah!» (Psalm 150:6). If you can breath today – it´s a mercy of the Lord and a sufficient reason to praise and thank Him.

Today I would like to begin a new topic called “How can we experience God in our life?” Studying the Bible we see God doing great feats through many people. He was able to realise His intentions using those people just due to their revelation and understanding of God´s key principles. While living in the different times, educated on a different level, belonged to the different cultures all Bible heroes basically have something in common. The secret of the success and feats they had is obvious – they knew God and interacted with Him. They experienced God´s power and His mercy in their lives. How did they succeeded? It became possible because they dedicated themselves to God. That´s exactly what God is inviting us to do.