Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have! II

Greetings to you, dear friends! Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

Today I want to continue talking about the need to exercise our gifts and talents in the Kingdom of God.

Yesterday we talked about the fact that it is not what you have that really matter, but more importantly is what you do with that which you have. It is very important for you not to focus on what you do not have; instead, simply use what you do have.

God gives to us gifts according to our ability, so He does not call us to do the thigs we are not able to. If God has asked you to do something, it is only because He knows you are able to do it. He won’t give you more than you are able to bear. Simply use what you have.

I once read a story about a woman who built a school for the needy. Before she began this, a desire was born in her heart to do it. It became her dream that she was thinking of consistently. At that moment she did not have a thing: no textbooks, no teachers, no building, and no money. But she did have a tremendous desire to fulfil her dream. She started to do what she could. She turned to Henry Ford to get some financial support; he was the owner of the famous car production company. Henry Ford listened to her and after some contemplation gave her 10 cents (one dime). How do you like that!? The most interesting thing is that this woman did not get offended and did not give up. With these 10 cents she bought some seeds and sowed them. After the harvest she sold some of it and sowed some more. Time passed and she had a large garden. Four years later she made some profit after selling the harvest and it was enough to buy a building. After buying the first building she went to Henry Ford to thank him for the 10 cents. He was so impressed with what he heard and amazed at it, that he gave her 1 million dollars to fulfil her dream. Very soon the school for needy people was opened.

What if she had thrown the 10 cents out? If she had decided that it was not enough in order to do such a big project? The school would have never started. Praise God, she used what she had and was rewarded for her work and faithfulness.

Many people act differently today, – they ignore the little things and consider them insignificant. People often do not use their talents because they are ‘smaller than those talents some other people have. People complain and are jelous of others instead of thanking God for the things God has given them and use their talents to bring in profit for the Lord.

It all depends on what we do with our talents.

The example set by this woman proves that small thing can do great things, if we have a right attitude towards the things we have.

Are you grateful to God for what you have? It might be that you do not have a million talents, but you still need to be grateful to God for what you have. You need to work with what you have today, so that you can fulfil your dreams.

May God abundantly bless you today!

Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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