Your gift will make room for you! II

Your gift will make room for you! II

«A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men» (Proverbs, 18: 16).

Studying the church history, we see that all of God’s generals didn’t start big. These people used what they had and did whatever they could. They began using the abilities they had. Eventually, their gifts found their place in the Body of Christ and grew into large ministries.

For example, Dr. T.L. Osborn saw that people needed salvation, so he started meeting this need to the best of his ability: he started printing little tracts on his printing machine and went door to door leaving them in their post boxes. At the time he couldn’t even imagine that it will lead him to huge international evangelistic ministry that he has today.

Your gift will make room for you!

Your gift will make room for you!

«A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men» (Proverbs, 18: 16).

Your gift will make room for you and will broaden your boarders, if you won’t hide it. So many times believers ask: «Where is my place in the Body of Christ? What is my calling?»

Do what you know. This simple principle gives an answer to many questions. Find the thing that you know how to do; find what you can do to promote the Kingdom of God, to help the church to grow and to extend your influence in the society.

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? II

Prayer is relationships of love between a man and The God as we determined it earlier.

It´s nothing else but the love of God, that prompts people to pray and spend time with Him.

A desire to know Him and His will in our life is a kind of food to keep our life in prayer alive.

The only way to know His will is to come to see Him and ask Him about it. This desire keeps our life in prayer alive. We have to have such desire to be able to pray continuously.

The evangelism and discipleship II

«Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street» (Lamentations, 2:19).

This is not a routine call to ordinary prayer, but a call to cry out to God to send a revival and deliver our children and the next generation from inevitable disasters and tragedies. Every serious revival has started with people’s heartfelt cry directed to God.

How NOT to give up, when problems and trials are all around IV

We continue our discussion about how not to give up at the time of troubles and temptation. Yesterday we spoke about the necessity to know that when we are walking through the problems in our life God keeps all our situations under control having already prepared a solution for us. Today I would like to continue this topic and show you that temptations or trials are a kind of test or exam. It can either put a shame on you and take the Spirit of glory away from you or you will rejoice and get excited of the honour to pass this test.


1) Входите через дверь и оставайтесь в Божьем присутствии.

Мы должны приходить перед Отцом посредством Крови Иисуса Христа.

«Итак, братия, имея дерзновение входить во святилище посредством Крови Иисуса Христа, путем новым и живым, который Он вновь открыл нам через завесу, то есть плоть Свою, и имея великого Священника над домом Божиим, да приступаем с искренним сердцем, с полною верою, кроплением очистив сердца от порочной совести, и омыв тело водою чистою». (Евреям 10:19-22).

Бог открыл нам многие тайны, которых другие не понимают, поэтому, у нас есть причина для того, чтобы славить и благодарить Бога

Мы можем благодарить Бога за то, что нам открыты Его дела и Его чудеса. Мы уже сейчас можем видеть и демонстрировать дела Божьи в своей жизни.

Мы должны стать как дети, чтобы лично переживать Бога. Когда мы начинаем спорить с Богом, думая, что мы знаем и понимаем больше, чем Бог, тогда мы становимся мудрыми в своих глазах и теряем доступ к разуму и тайнам Бога.

Changed people think and act like God III

Talking about transformation we mean changes of our point view, changes in our hearts, in our characters and our circumstances. Any changes should take place within us first. I have to allow God to change myself and my character. Jesus said:

«There is nothing from outside of the man, that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.» (Mark 7:15).