Only God can tell us the way we can please Him through our ministry

Hello dear wonderful children of God! Continuing our topic on christian ministry, I want to specially underline today that it is possible to serve God in many different ways. However, in whatever way you serve the Lord it is essential to know that it is necessary to serve God insuch a way that service to will be accepted of Him. Only God can tell us the way we can please Him through our ministry. Here is what God told the people in the Old testament: Ex.23: 19а In the above Bible passage God is saying very clearly the necessity of His people bringing their first fruits of their land into the house Of God. (notice that said to bring the first fruit and not the left over). When the people brought their offerings to God, they were not to bring the old, tired, wounded and lame sheep. No, they were to bring the first and best of their fruits – the first fruits of the earth. Ex. 12: 5 We should serve God on His conditions, instead of on our own conditions!When David wanted to serve God and make an offering unto the Lord, he refused to sacrifice to God that which cost him nothing. 2 Sam. 24: 18-25 Can we serve God on His conditions, instead of ours? does our service to God cost us something? Whether we give to God the rests of our time which and so is not present, or we give to It from the rudiments? Do we give to God the left over of times or do we commit the first fruit of our time to God? Do we serve God only when that is convenient and favourablу for us, or we are ready to sacrifice our comfort for the sake of the interests of the Kingdom God? The story of the poor widow in the Bible should stir our hearts to reconsider our attitudes to serving God: Mark 12: 41-44 The Lord constantly observes each of us as we serve Him or invest our resources into His heavenly treasury. He does not just look at what we do, but also at how we do it. He looks at the heart and the motive with which we do all what we are doing in His name sake. Many of those who wants to serve God, are thinking only of giving God the remains or left over of their resouces, time or gifts. But God is saying He wants our first fruits or our best. One of problems of our generation is busyness.We have so much thing to do at a time, that we we dont have time for God and His business. It is often possible to hear: «I cannot today…» «it is raining on the street today…» «I have got small children, a family to take care of…» Luke 14: 18-20 Are you committed to going to work every Monday morning? Are you committed to arrive at your work place on time? If you answer yes to any of the above two question, then my question to you is this: what is your attitude when it comes to serving God and His purposes? Are you committed to God? Serving God is of course a voluntary decision, but once we make such a decision should we serve from heart as unto the Lord, or do we just do the work of the Lord carelessly?Colossians 3: 17, 23 Give to the Lord the best, after all He was the one who first gave us His. This is the word of the Lord for you Today! God bless you! Pastor Rufus AJiboye

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