If we follow Jesus in our life and let Him change us, all circumstances in our life will serve for good to us. Those who trust God will never be ashamed

If we follow Jesus in our life and let Him change us, all circumstances in our life will serve for good to us. Those who trust God will never be ashamed

Why did God save us? Why did He call us? Why do we attend our church?

Consider these questions! What has changed in your life of a christian during the last two years? Ask yourself this question seriously! Slow down before saying that changes are taking place in your life! Make a list of what exactly has changed in your life! Changes if those have really happened must be apparent and certain. As a christian who attends church, reads the Bible, prays and listens to outstanding teachings and sermons how have you been changed for the last 5 years?

Let’s stop complaining and grumbling about our circumstances; let’s allow God to change us and our character through these circumstances

Let’s stop complaining and grumbling about our circumstances; let’s allow God to change us and our character through these circumstances

God has no problem to change any situation; but He is more interested in changing us into the image of Christ. He wants to lift us up. He needs courageous sons and daughters who – like Jesus – spread His Kingdom on earth. God is looking for people whose hearts are full of faith and who do not doubt power and wisdom of the Almighty God.

God does all things for our good

God does all things for our good

What does the word “all” include? Everything that is happening in your life right now! God wants to reach a certain goal; and in order to do that He uses even our circumstances. He allows particular difficult situations to happen to us in order to change and transform us and our character, to make us more like Jesus.

The philosophy of change

The philosophy of change

It is quite often that we oppose changes; we resist any changes because we are creatures of habit. If something is new and unusual for us, we don’t like it. Is that the truth? Whatever is unusual to us scares us. We love the comforts of life and if something upsets our comfortable position, we start to fight it with all of our strength.

Nevertheless God calls every person to go through changes.

Everybody is dedicated to something the question is what or whom. What or whom are you dedicated to in your life?

Everybody is dedicated to something the question is what or whom. What or whom are you dedicated to in your life?

Whom do you follow in your life? What is the engine of your life? What is your friendship with other people based upon? What makes you rejoice in your life? Is your dedication connected to eternal life and God´s will for your life?

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t III

Your surrounding has an impact on you, it determines whether you enter the destiny God has prepared for you or you don´t III

There are many things that make people joyful and that´s great. However, Jesus pointed out that His disciples joy should rather be based on the goals and values of the Kingdom of God. Being glad about passing things is not the true joy, yet. The true joy comes when you can connect all the events of your life with fulfilling of the eternal purpose, one you are even ready to suffer for.

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God II

Definitely write down the vision you receive from God II

«…Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.» (Habakkuk 2:2).

Make notes of everything you believe in, everything that God speaks to your heart during prayer, fasting or Bible studies on the paper! For example, you may say: “I wish I could preach the word of God followed by miracles and wondrous things”, or “I wish I could bring relief to orphans by giving some of them a shelter in my house”, or ”I want to establish a school for those who would minister in the church”.

God calls each of us to do good works in Jesus Name II

God calls each of us to do good works in Jesus Name II

«For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them» (Ephesians, 2:10).

The underlined part of this verse tells us that God has a plan that we should carry out. One of the main tasks in this life is for us to find out this plan. After his salvation Apostle Paul set his heart on finding out his purpose in life.