God’s glory appears on the mount of prayers

God’s glory appears on the mount of prayers

If you put the necessary effort and overcome all the obstacles to climb up this mount of prayers, the glory of the Lord will be with you everywhere you go.

Dear brothers and sisters, dear pastors and leaders, dear ministers! Do you have your mount of prayers? Do you have this time when you stop in all of your rush in order to seek God in prayers Who is the only source of life?

Presence of God V

Presence of God V

God so desires for us to seek Him early in the morning. He so desires for us to return to Him. He wants to heal us and to bind up our wounds. God so wants to revive and restore us, so that we could live before Him. When we seek the Lord, when we seek to know Him, He comes and immerses us into His presence; He pours out His rain on us and waters the earth.

Yesterday we talked about how Moses set up a tabernacle outside the camp for all seekers of the Lord. We also saw that instead of entering the tabernacle and seeking the face of the Lord, Israelites were simply observing how Moses spoke to God and how God answered Moses.

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof! II

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof! II

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles”(Psalm 34:17). God hears you when you cry out to Him and not when you sink in our despair and misery, when you grumble and ‘have pity parties’. There is a cry of faith, which God always hears, because He finds a call for help and intervention in it. In this prayer cry God sees faith in Righteous, Just, Loving and Almighty God.

It is essential what we believe more – what we say or what God says!

It is essential what we believe more – what we say or what God says!

Let us look at some expressions that we often use, ad let us see what God says about the same things in His Word.

*YOU SAY, “It is not possible!”

*GOD SAYS, “All things are possible for God!”

*Bible verse: Luke 18:27

“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Do You Hear What God Speaks? V

Do You Hear What God Speaks? V

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 16:25)

Our task is to train our spirit to hear what God is telling us. And even if your intellect is fighting and heart does not agree with what God says to you, anyway, say to God, “I do not know how it happens, I just believe in You!”

Do You Hear What God Speaks? IV

Do You Hear What God Speaks? IV

In order to hear God’s voice, it is necessary that you learn to stop and calm down – calm down your mind, feelings, emotions, and only then you can hear what God says to you. When you learn to hear God’s voice, not only will you have eternal life, but also life in abundance, which is concealed in you. There will be problems, but you will be able to rejoice, because you will be sure that your God has an answer for any question, your God is able to solve any problem. Human mind tries to calculate everything – how are all things going, how everything must happen. Our minds work like fast processors. But the problem is that situations appear in our lives, and we cannot solve them. What happens to our mind-processor then? It falls out.

Do You Hear What God Speaks? III

Do You Hear What God Speaks? III

There is another voice that we hear – it is the voice of other people and the voice of human standpoint. For example, the voice of experts goes in this category – a doctor who proclaims what the medical equipment indicates. A doctor may tell the patient that he will die in three days, because the medical equipment, the analyses and his own medical experience show that. Praise the Lord for our doctors, but we must know that the last word always belongs to God. God often says the totally opposite to what experts say. In such cases, it is necessary that we, while being respectful towards different specialists, put aside the expert conclusions and trust God, not people. The more you trust the expert conclusions and not the Word of God, the less God can give you life.

The lordship of Jesus Christ II

The lordship of Jesus Christ II

«The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies» (Psalm 110:1-2).

This passage talks about Christ: «Rule in the midst of Your enemies», but the Body of Christ — His Church — is included in this prophetic word. Jesus was told to sit at the right hand of God; but it would be God’s children that would overcome God’s enemies and every thing that rise against the will of God. God wants us to rule and reign in the midst of the enemies and unfavourable circumstances. We must rule because we have been given God’s authority and we were born conquerors.

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have!

Do not focus of what you do not have; simply go ahead and use what you have!

Every human being is a unique work of God. Every one has been given unique abilities and talents. There isn’t one unnecessary person on this earth; there isn’t one insignificant talent or ability. Everything that God created is needed by someone and is intended as a blessing for someone. Look at yourself today in a new light and see that you are a unique personality highly gifted by God; you are a unique specimen. There isn’t another person on this earth like you! But sometimes we are distracted when we start comparing ourselves to others and envying them just because they have something we do not have. For this reason we stop appreciating the things that God has given us and sometimes it makes us passive and inert.

The importance of having the right connection between your evenings and your mornings

The importance of having the right connection between your evenings and your mornings

What does this tell us? It tells us that God started His day in the evening. It is very important for us to borrow this wisdom from our Heavenly Father. If we get up in the morning and only then start thinking about what we need to do for the day, then we are already starting it in the wrong manner and have already starting too late. The last moment to start your day is the evening of the previous day. In the evening we need to have a composed idea of what we are doing the next day. We need to have a plan for the next day. Before we go to bed we need to have a vision for the next day. If we are too lazy to make any plans for the next day before going to bed then we are heading towards poverty both physical and spiritual. It is crucial for us to accept this wisdom from God to start the day in the evening of the previous day: «So the evening and the morning were the first day».