In our lives we must reflect the life, the power and the nature of Christ II

In our lives we must reflect the life, the power and the nature of Christ II

It says in the Bible: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path» (Psalm, 119:105). It is God’s Word that starts the light of God in our hearts and leads our steps on the right path: «You will light my lamp; the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness» (Psalm, 18:28).

In our lives we must reflect the life, the power and the nature of Christ

In our lives we must reflect the life, the power and the nature of Christ

You should not forget that you are God’s ambassadors on earth. When you face a problem or a difficult situation, think of what Jesus would have done if He were in a similar situation. This will help you. Christ is the One we represent on this earth. Think of what He would say, how He would solve the problem, how He would go through the situation you are facing today. If you think about like Christ thinks and you develop or grow in the nature of God, then you will become a strong and influential ambassador of God in your sphere of influence; you will ‘salty’ and you will be bright light in this world.

We are the salt of the earth and light of the world

We are the salt of the earth and light of the world

We continue talking about our role and function as God’s ambassadors on the earth. We’ve talked about the Bible calling us Christ’s ambassadors; God has sent us to encourage people to be reconciled with God. The Bible also calls us the salt of the earth and the light to the world. But if we as Christ’s ambassadors on earth do not actively practise our faith, then our society will deteriorate. Today, if we look at successful and prosperous countries, we can see the reason of their success and prosperity is because the people there embrace and practice Christian values. Only righteousness exalts a nation – Thai is a law, – God’s law. Only righteousness makes a nation prosperous! Injustice and sin destroy a nation.

The Christian as an ambassador II

The Christian as an ambassador II

After Jesus left the earth and ascended to heaven, He commissioned us to be His ambassadors or the sent ones (His representatives) on the earth. So we must understand and receive a profound revelation concerning the spiritual authority and power that we have in Christ. The Bible says that Christ made us kings and priests in order that we can reign on earth for Him. It is God, our heavenly Father desires that we all to be busy about His business. His business is to reconcile people with Him. God desires to do the work of reconciliation through us – «we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God». He wants us to declare the word of reconciliation. « God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation » (2 Corinthians, 5:19).

Without His blessing we cannot fully function on earth ad do the things God expects of us

Without His blessing we cannot fully function on earth ad do the things God expects of us

Without His blessing we cannot fulfil our mission. Knowing this, God did His part. In order for us to have God’s blessing, we must stay in touch and have fellowship with Him. And in order to have fellowship with

How to effectively study the Bible II

How to effectively study the Bible II

Sometimes one word in the Bible can be followed as a thread throughout all of the pages of the Book.

I once sat down to write a letter to a brother. I prayed and asked God to help me write not just words, but to make it a blessing for this person. As I was writing, I noticed that I had started preaching in the letter. Later I put it aside, because one word had totally consumed my attention. I began to study this word in the Bible. I began studying the phrases like “God is able” and „God can”. I started reading all the verses that contained these phrases. It was so interesting that I totally forgot about the letter. The study of particular Bible words can be very interesting and profitable.

How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us?

How do we make sure that the Word of God abides in us?

Why are there so much fear, panic, disappointment, weariness and tiredness in the lives of many believers? It is because the Word of God does not abide in them. God wants us to be filled with the Word. When we read the word of God with the understanding that we need the word daily as our source of light and direction, then we are motivated to do read it even more. Since I want to be spiritually strong and able to overcome the wicked one, I want to have the understanding of God’s purpose for my life, I want His direction as to how to carry out my assignment and I want to walk in purity in my life – and for this very reason I read God’s Word and study it on a regular basis.

A person must be filled with the Word and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God

A person must be filled with the Word and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God

People “dull of hearing” are not the ones who do not listen at all; they are the ones who are not able to grasp and comprehend.

When we feed on God’s Word, this Word helps us grow spiritually. When we do not do it, we stay spiritual babies. Looking at some churches we can see that they are full of spiritual babies. This situation does not bring joy to God, because He can’t rely on spiritual babies.

God’s Word is water

God’s Word is water

God’s Word is treasure we must treat right; through it we have to be established in the eternal life given to us by God. It says in the Bible: «It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter» (Proverbs, 25:2).

The person who daily fills his heart with God’s Word has several advantages

The person who daily fills his heart with God’s Word has several advantages

1. God makes the feet of this person strong as the feet of deer.

This person is able to run and not get weary. When he or she faces an obstacle or a wall, he has the strength to get over it. This thought is profound: the person who is filled with God’s light has power to overcome the difficulties of life. There are no invincible barriers for him. When the light of God comes into the person’s life, God’s wisdom comes with it and helps overcome all obstacles.