Life is short

Life is short

All things we have mentioned so far are connected together. Life is time, life is a goal, life is a test, life is trust, and now life is short.

This world as we know it now is not your home. God has a New Heaven and a new earth. The kingdom and the system of this world will be overthrown so that it becomes the Kingdom of our God and His Christ. Your life itself is regarded as a vapour that appears for a little time.

Life is a test II

Life is a test II

God puts us through test in order to search our hearts.

We understand that God knows everything. Therefore, He must know what is inside your heart, right? It’s written in the Bible that God knows all my thoughts, isn’t it? If so, why does God need to test me in order know what my heart is filled with since he already know?

Life is a test

Life is a test

Once we understand our life is a test, many questioned get solved by themselves and we can rejoice and enjoy our life. Those who understand that life is a test, they treat every difficult situation as an opportunity, not as an obstacle. The Bible often tells us how God tests His children. He is not doing it because He hates us nor because He wants to see our fall. Not at all! God puts us in test for few reasons. God blessed Abraham with a son first, then tested him asking to sacrifice his son on the altar. God allowed ordeals in Job’s life, then Job went through all that horror and bitterness.

Life is a Purpose

Life is a Purpose

God has created each of you for a certain purpose. God has a common purpose and a personal (individual) purpose for each of us. Our common goal is to glorify the Lord. However, God also has a peculiar purpose He has created every individual to fulfill. I was sent to the Earth to solve certain problems. If you are driven by such awareness you will live a strategical life. Each of you has a certain goal and a purpose set by God.

Living strategically

Living strategically

We need to understand the reason of life and how we can live our life strategically. There few points about life that we have to understand, in order to live strategically. This is true because the way you perceive your life will influence the system of your values.

Today many people perceive their life in a wrong way, therefore they are living their life the wrong way, seeking wrong things, besides they are deceived for the very same reason.

God comes to us seeking for fruits of saved souls in our life

God comes to us seeking for fruits of saved souls in our life

Let me ask you a question: “Did you just suddenly repented by yourself or somebody helped you with that by sharing the gospel with you? I believed somebody pray for you and shared Gospel with you!

I am sure your coming to God was the result of someone’s efforts. Every sinner who ever repented is a fruit that result from someone’s labour. You probably may not even know the person who actually prayed for you and for the salvation of your soul.

God is looking for fruits in your life!

God is looking for fruits in your life!

«Lord, I desire to bear more fruits in my life. I am asking You to cleanse me, so that I become capable of bearing more fruits. I accept God’s grace to stay on the vine tree. I shall bear much fruits for God in Jesus Name!»

The Bible says we should grow until we reach perfection in Christ (see Ephesians, Chapter 4). Therefore, it doesn’t matter how anointed and fruitful you are now, there is a higher level prepared for you by God – the higher level of effectiveness and fertility.

Thanksgiving as the basis of worship

Thanksgiving as the basis of worship

Worship is life that is dedicated to God and it implies close interaction with God. It says in the Bible that God is looking for worshippers: «But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth» (John, 4:23-24).