Why God does speaks to us and why is it so important for us to learn to hear His voice?

Why God does speaks to us and why is it so important for us to learn to hear His voice?

1. To give us revelation about God (about Himself).

First of all, God will speak to us in order to reveal the truth about Himself. If we fail to hear the voice of God we will never get Him to know well enough to become His friends.

The voice of God is the source of the spirit of faith

The voice of God is the source of the spirit of faith

There are two dimensions of faith:


«But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down from above) or “’Who will descend into the abyss?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach)» (Romans, 10: 6-8)

Nobody will be able to harm you if you know God’s voice and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit

Nobody will be able to harm you if you know God’s voice and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit

The Bible also states that everything God does endures forever. Nobody is able to destroy or cancel what God makes and builds. For this reason nobody was able to harm Jesus before the appointed time, when Jesus Himself gave up His soul. Jesus was protected by God the Father because he followed the leading and the guidance of the Father.

What kind of privileges or advantages does the person who hears God’s voice possess over the others who don’t?

What kind of privileges or advantages does the person who hears God’s voice possess over the others who don’t?

Usually, we never dedicate time to something unless we realise its advantage and strict necessity for us. When we realise what we are losing by not understanding and hearing God’s voice, then we can become zealous and motivated to do our best in order to dedicate time and attention to it.
You must understand that satan is a thief and given a smallest chance he will take away all our privileges and opportunities in God.

How to find and fulfil God’s will?

How to find and fulfil God’s will?

What do we really mean when we ask ourselves: «What is God’s will for me?» The majority of people want to know: «What is God’s plan for me in this situation? What would be the right decision in this situation?»

We want to receive some directions and instructions from God in various life situations. We want to know God’s voice, since knowing His voice leads to knowing His will. God also wants every one of us to know His will in all things.

Your responsibility is to discover the talents imbedded inside of you, that the Lord has put there and to let them grow for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and other people around you

Your responsibility is to discover the talents imbedded inside of you, that the Lord has put there and to let them grow for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and other people around you

« In this love has been made perfect among us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement, because as he is, even so are we in this world ».(1st John 4:17).

I can stand confidently stand before God only, when I have a witness in my spirit that I am living like Jesus lived while living in this world. Without the character of Christ the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be useless to the people around us, neither will they deliver true satisfaction to us personally.

As children of God we need and we depend on the Holy Spirit for effective life and ministry

As children of God we need and we depend on the Holy Spirit for effective life and ministry

1) Jesus Himself, while living on the earth, relied on Holy Spirit in everything, and we are called to follow in His step.

2) The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a God’s commandment for us, and not just an advice.

Without the Holy Spirit we are not able to manifest God in our lives

Without the Holy Spirit we are not able to manifest God in our lives

1) Jesus gave some commandments to the Apostles BY THE HOLY SPIRIT (verse 2).

Jesus Himself relied on the Holy Spirit in everything He did during His days in flesh. When He took on flesh, He was limited by it and He needed the Holy Spirit. As people we live in flesh and we also are limited by it. The only way for us to overcome these limitations is to rely on the Holy Spirit. We must be aware of the necessity and our dependency on the Holy Spirit. We must seek Him daily.

You are the epistle of Christ through which His salvation can spread through the whole world!

You are the epistle of Christ through which His salvation can spread through the whole world!

Paul is saying that many people hear the Gospel but still are not enlightened by that. These people had made their choice to continue living in sin, therefore, satan, the god of this world had blinded their minds so that the light of Gospel remains unveiled to them, regardless of how hard somebody tries to share the gospel with them. Nevertheless, Paul and his partners presented to others the brightest light of the Gospel, – that is Christ Himself, who is the image of God. Paul was convinced that people should be able to see God in Christ, so he preached Christ and instead of preaching about himself.