In order for the light of God in our lives to shine brighter and brighter we have to consistently cleanse our lamp

In order for the light of God in our lives to shine brighter and brighter we have to consistently cleanse our lamp

The bible said we are the light of the world, so each of us is a light bearer. And as you know, light is intended to enlighten and drive away any form of darkness. We have to realize though, that we do not have light on our own. The light we radiate is the reflection of the light we have received from God. If we have a distorted perception of God, and His ways, then the light we radiate will also be distorted. Quite often so many Christian radiate distorted light because their lamp is not clean.

If you desire to see God in your life and manifest Him through your life, you have to learn to dwell in the bosom of the Heavenly Father

If you desire to see God in your life and manifest Him through your life, you have to learn to dwell in the bosom of the Heavenly Father

· We are called to behold the glory of the Lord. In other words, this is a call to focus our attention on Jesus as the only standard and model for our life. We can do that by focusing our attention on His word, His life and His examples.

· The word “beholding” in the passage above means a continuous action. In other words we should keep beholding the glory of God all the time.

The true Christian life is a call to manifest God in our lives

The true Christian life is a call to manifest God in our lives

«Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled» (Acts, 4:13).

The first disciples of Jesus had spent time with Jesus and that reflected in their attitude to life,- they manifested God’s character through their lives. They were brave and bold for God; they boldly spoke of God, and testify of Him because they had spent time in the Father’s bosom.

The true knowledge of God only come through the One Who is ‘ in the bosom of the Father’ – from Jesus

The true knowledge of God only come through the One Who is ‘ in the bosom of the Father’ – from Jesus

The word “Father’s bosom” means very close to the Father’s heart, to be by the Father’s side or on the Father’s breast. That word was used in John to describe John leaning on Jesus: «Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved» (John, 13:23).

So Jesus was close to Father’s heart, and that is why He was able to manifest God to us. The true knowledge of God only come through the One Who is ‘ in the bosom of the Father’ – from Jesus.

Our highest calling – to reveal God in our flesh II

Our highest calling – to reveal God in our flesh II

Jesus dwells in me, therefore I must manifest His life to others. Jesus did not reveal Himself to others; He only revealed and manifested to others Who the Father is and He did only the Father’s will. God said in His Word that whoever glorifies Him will also be glorified by Him. When God glorifies or uplift you, nobody can break, humiliate or pull you down.

«Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing» (2 Corinthians, 2:14-15).

Our highest calling – to reveal God in our flesh

Our highest calling – to reveal God in our flesh

The Bible says: «For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him» (John, 1:17-18).

The law can never save people because the law only reveals the sinful nature of man. The law was given in order for people to realize their need for God and His help. It was Jesus who brought to us the truth and the grace that conveys spiritual power necessary to live in accordance with God’s will. Anyone who will accept this truth and grace will have the power to live a holy life and become an instrument in God’s hand that is able to manifest or declare God’s truth and grace to other people.

What other effects of unforgiveness can we see?

What other effects of unforgiveness can we see?

Unforgiveness destroys godly relationships and causes splits in the Body of Christ.

There is so much chaos in the Church of Jesus Christ because of offended people. Many of them are not able to fellowship with one another and built friendship due to offenses and the fear of rejection. Many people build huge walls around them due to unforgiveness. They receive new „revelations” that separate them from the other people even more and make them passive.