Lust brings sin, and sin brings death III

Lust brings sin, and sin brings death III

Love destroys the power of lust; where there is love, wounds are healed and prosperity comes. Love is the nature of God and when we become partakers of His essence we escape from corruption that rules in this world.

« His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust» (2 Peter, 1: 3-4)

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? II

Prayer is relationships of love between a man and The God as we determined it earlier.

It´s nothing else but the love of God, that prompts people to pray and spend time with Him.

A desire to know Him and His will in our life is a kind of food to keep our life in prayer alive.

The only way to know His will is to come to see Him and ask Him about it. This desire keeps our life in prayer alive. We have to have such desire to be able to pray continuously.

The evangelism and discipleship II

«Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street» (Lamentations, 2:19).

This is not a routine call to ordinary prayer, but a call to cry out to God to send a revival and deliver our children and the next generation from inevitable disasters and tragedies. Every serious revival has started with people’s heartfelt cry directed to God.

Changed people think and act like God III

Talking about transformation we mean changes of our point view, changes in our hearts, in our characters and our circumstances. Any changes should take place within us first. I have to allow God to change myself and my character. Jesus said:

«There is nothing from outside of the man, that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.» (Mark 7:15).

What we sow is what we reap

But it is also important to note that we reap a lot more than we sow. Without sowing we don’t reap at all. If you want to become great and bring fruit in the kingdom of God, if you desire for your life to have godly influence over other people, then you have to sow your life into others. There are no short cuts to greatness and true influence. It would be foolish to expect greatness, multiplication and fruitfulness without sowing. That would be deception!

Everything that is hidden will unavoidably be brought into the light III

In one of his psalms David talks about a day in the life of a person that has repented of all of his sins before God. We can see the advantages of that kind of lifestyle.

«Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!» (Psalms, 32:1-2)

Lust brings sin, and sin brings death II

Lust is a strong desire or passion to something forbidden or unlawful. For example, the Bible says coveting your neighbour’s wife or his property is unlawful.

«“You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour’s.”» (Exodus 20:17).

Everything that gets into God’s hands multiplies

For several days now we have been discussing the how the gift when it is used makes room for us and takes us before great people. When the gift is used it broadens our possibilities and destroys limitations. Thank God for creating us just the way we are.

Dear friend, you have been given the things you need to start your supernatural ministry. Do not view your gift as being something small and insignificant. When Jesus told His disciples to feed the multitude, they argued with Him, saying: “We have here only five loaves and two fish”. I guess the disciples expected Jesus to say: «Oh, yes! Then let the people go, because we don’t have enough for everyone!» But Jesus did not say that. He managed to feel the multitude of people because one little boy gave back to the Lord the little he had.