Habit is a compilation of knowledge, skills and willingness

Habit is a compilation of knowledge, skills and willingness

Knowledge is an understanding of theory of what we have to do and why. In order to make something as your habit you need to understand the theoretical aspects of such necessity. How is it connected to our praying life? Let me explain that. We acquire knowledge by reading the Bible, Word of God. We know why we have to pray, then we can make a habit of praying, just because we know what we have to do. We should pray without ceasing – I know this and so I do why. Let me elaborate on it. Awareness of what I gain or lose by having a particular habit helps us to develop that habit.

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? IV

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? IV

“ … for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Prayer unites us with our Heavenly Father, helps to know the depth of the His heart, His love and His plans for our life.

Do you remember Daniel? He was a man of God, similarly to David, one, whose attitude to prayer and fellowship with God was very serious. In Daniel 6:10 we read:

«When Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house (now his windows were open in his chamber toward Jerusalem) and he bowed down on his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did before».

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? III

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life? III

As you know, human life consists of habits. There are also good and bad habits. Any habit that brings a positive outcome requires some efforts and discipline from us. Unless we have a habit of praying our prayer life will never become effective neither fruitful. Let me quote the statement of an Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle who once said about habits – “We are the product of what we repeatedly do”. In other words, our habits are our essence. Therefore, in order to excel at something, we have to make it our habit.

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life?

How to develop a habit of prayer in our life?

«Thanks God, I already have such habit». I am glad about you. The other might say «I´ve already tried, but failed to do so”. I am glad about you too.

I pray today, so that this Word helps you to overcome your weakness and instability solving this issue.

First of all, I want to stress out the fact, that prayer is love relationships with God. Why do I mention that and why it´s so important when you try to make prayer as your habit. We already discussed it, that prayer is not learning of different methods about how convince God to do our will. Lack of necessity to pray is one of few reasons why believers pray just a little.

Ask God for a reformation of your life, especially your prayer life!

Ask God for a reformation of your life, especially your prayer life!

God desires for us to realize that the church that prayer also wins; it is united church which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell. Praying church is a growing church that experiences God’s power and miracles. God promised that He has established His church and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. May God help every one of us to give prayer the central place in our lives; may God’s order be established in our lives. I am not talking about redundant, fruitless imitation of prayer; I am talking about the prayer that touches heaven, releases God’s power which was seen in the life of Jesus.

If you believe that you already have a breakthrough and victory in prayer, then start praying for your brothers and sisters!

If you believe that you already have a breakthrough and victory in prayer, then start praying for your brothers and sisters!

What are we going to do with the truth we have heard – the truth about importance and crucial nature of prayer? We must change! First, we need to ask God to help us to pray constantly. Second, we may ask other people you consider being strong in prayer to pray for you and help you put your prayer life in order. There is no shame in asking someone to pray for you.

I remember a period in my life when I had lost a desire to pray; it seemed boring and my prayer seemed lifeless. And for some reason I wasn’t able to change it.

A habit is a powerful thing that either hinders us from getting to our goals or helps us and moves in the right direction!

A habit is a powerful thing that either hinders us from getting to our goals or helps us and moves in the right direction!

One of the important habits that we need to develop is to pray daily. Prayer must become habitual. God desires to teach us how to forsake bad habits and to develop good ones.

Some people have a habit of wasting time. They may know that they need to pray, what they need to pray about, what prayer does etc, but they still don’t pray because they seem to lack the time, since they waste their time on wrong, unfruitful things – TV, computer, telephone conversations and so on. We must make an effort and find the time to pray.

In order for us to do the works of Jesus, we must ask for it in prayer!

In order for us to do the works of Jesus, we must ask for it in prayer!

«Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son» (John, 14:12-13).

When Jesus Himself says ‘most assuredly’, it means He wants us to pay attention. These two verses are connected. Jesus says that we can do the works that Jesus did and even more, if we pray. Jesus tried to tell His disciples that He has been given all authority in heaven and on earth and that He will represent them in heaven, because He will be sitting with Him on the heavenly throne. Jesus told His disciples that they should ask in His name and that He would do what they ask so that His Father would be glorified.

When we pray, invisible chains that bind people suddenly fall off! II

When we pray, invisible chains that bind people suddenly fall off! II

You may ask why people act the way they act? Why don’t people sometimes understand very elementary things? Why do people hear the truth, but do not change? There are invisible things that keep people in bondage. There are strongholds that cannot be destroyed by teaching, sermons, instructions and lectures. They are spiritual things. What happens when the church prays? These strongholds collapse and some real changes take place. We cannot afford not to pray and try to admonish other people; usually people listen to us, say that they understand, but do the same thing all over again.

God wants prayer to become priority in the lives of His children!

God wants prayer to become priority in the lives of His children!

Everything that devil has bound up in your life – your miracle, your promises, – can be released to you by the supernatural power of God. But for it to happen, prayer must become your number 1 priority.

Take any Bible story and you will see what powerful prayer of believers is able to accomplish. For example, what did Daniel do when he was thrown into lions’ den? Did he pray? No, it was too late to pray. He had been praying long before he got to this point in his life. It is too late to pray when you are in a den with some lions. You must pray before anything like that happens! Daniel prayed three times a day every day.