Changes always come from praying! II

Changes always come from praying! II

If you desire to see and experience a miracle from God in your life, then you must forget about what other people think of your prayer style. At the period of seeking God, you must be concerned about one thing only, – how sincere your heart is during praying and how big your desire is to experience His intervention. Keep trusting and crying out to God even when everybody else have grown weak and lost faith in any possibilities for your life to change. God loves consistent and faithful people. He always has a reward for that type of people.

Changes always come from praying!

Changes always come from praying!

We talked about Hannah who did not give up even though she was barren and was being humiliated by other people; she kept on believing God and trusting that He would send her a miracle into her life and give her a baby. She did not plunge into despair and sense of helplessness, but daily brought her needs before God in fervent prayer.

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof! II

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof! II

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles”(Psalm 34:17). God hears you when you cry out to Him and not when you sink in our despair and misery, when you grumble and ‘have pity parties’. There is a cry of faith, which God always hears, because He finds a call for help and intervention in it. In this prayer cry God sees faith in Righteous, Just, Loving and Almighty God.

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof

Calling forth convincing and irrefutable proof

Many people expect miracle in their life and sometimes the waiting continues many years. I want to help you today to see that we should not wait for a miracle to come, but we need to call forth and cause these miracles. Any miracle that a person desires to experience in his life can be brought about by this person. It is possible that the miracle won’t come right away, but when you build the necessary (natural) platform for it, it will absolutely come into your life. And when it happens you will have undeniable proof for your faith and trust in the Lord.

It is essential what we believe more – what we say or what God says!

It is essential what we believe more – what we say or what God says!

Let us look at some expressions that we often use, ad let us see what God says about the same things in His Word.

*YOU SAY, “It is not possible!”

*GOD SAYS, “All things are possible for God!”

*Bible verse: Luke 18:27

“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

When did God speak to you the last time?

When did God speak to you the last time?

You are reading the Word of God and you hear God’s voice, and the Holy Spirit speaks to you. God has a plan for us. If we live in this plan, we have a life in abundance. But if we are not in God’s plan, we cannot enjoy this life. Outside of God’s plan there is no real life. We want to live in God’s plan, but God must reveal this plan to people through the Word of God and Holy Spirit.

Do You Hear What God Speaks? V

Do You Hear What God Speaks? V

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 16:25)

Our task is to train our spirit to hear what God is telling us. And even if your intellect is fighting and heart does not agree with what God says to you, anyway, say to God, “I do not know how it happens, I just believe in You!”

Do You Hear What God Speaks? IV

Do You Hear What God Speaks? IV

In order to hear God’s voice, it is necessary that you learn to stop and calm down – calm down your mind, feelings, emotions, and only then you can hear what God says to you. When you learn to hear God’s voice, not only will you have eternal life, but also life in abundance, which is concealed in you. There will be problems, but you will be able to rejoice, because you will be sure that your God has an answer for any question, your God is able to solve any problem. Human mind tries to calculate everything – how are all things going, how everything must happen. Our minds work like fast processors. But the problem is that situations appear in our lives, and we cannot solve them. What happens to our mind-processor then? It falls out.

Do You Hear What God Speaks? III

Do You Hear What God Speaks? III

There is another voice that we hear – it is the voice of other people and the voice of human standpoint. For example, the voice of experts goes in this category – a doctor who proclaims what the medical equipment indicates. A doctor may tell the patient that he will die in three days, because the medical equipment, the analyses and his own medical experience show that. Praise the Lord for our doctors, but we must know that the last word always belongs to God. God often says the totally opposite to what experts say. In such cases, it is necessary that we, while being respectful towards different specialists, put aside the expert conclusions and trust God, not people. The more you trust the expert conclusions and not the Word of God, the less God can give you life.

Do You Hear What God Speaks? II

Do You Hear What God Speaks? II

Apart from the voice of our common sense, we often hear the voice of our feelings. Also feelings have a voice. But neither this voice always reflects what God says. Our feelings are changing, quite often they depend on outer factors – our mood, weather, how tired we are, etc. If we listen to our feelings only, our chances to constant success are eliminated.

For instance, you can often feel lonely, weak, unloved, a failure, etc. Nevertheless, such feelings often do not accord with reality. If you are lead by your feelings and take them as truth, you will not be able to enjoy the life in abundance that God has prepared for you. God gives this life only to those who hear His voice and follow Him!