Without certain changes in our lives we won’t be able to receive God’s vision

Without certain changes in our lives we won’t be able to receive God’s vision

The first thing God did to Abram was that He took him out of the tent, out of his comfort zone. While we stay within our comfort zone where we feel at ease, where we do not need to make an effort, where everything goes according to the habitual scenario, we are not able to see what God wants to show us. For this reason God often desires us to get out of our comfort zone, out of our routine lifestyle and for us to put forth some effort to expand our knowledge of the will of God for our life.

Be strong in faith and you will see that everything in your life will begin to change

Be strong in faith and you will see that everything in your life will begin to change

I am so glad that you and I once again have the opportunity to look into the Word of God and draw from it power and wisdom to live this day successfully.
We began talking about the life of Abram. Today let’s look at the principle of faith that appeard in his life.
God showed Himself to Abram, because He had a vision for his life. We can read about it in Genesis (12:1-4).

The things that you are ready to sacrifice or give up will determine what will come into your life

The things that you are ready to sacrifice or give up will determine what will come into your life

Yesterday we saw that God had asked Abram to leave his country, his father’s house and his relatives and to go to the land that He would show.

“Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you” (Genesis, 12:1).

Let’s first win the hearts of people..

Let’s first win the hearts of people..

Today I’d like us to discuss about the life of Abraham. I believe God wants to show us some very important principles that can be gleaned from the life of Abraham and in his relationship with God.
“Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis, 12:1-3)

The importance of unity II

The importance of unity II

I thank God for this day and believe that this day will be filled with the blessings from the Lord.
Today I’d like to continue on the topic I talked about yesterday – the importance of unity. We saw that when you have a strong team every house will be built and every project will be completed. That kind of team will always achieve victory.
In the Bible we see that Jesus also talked about the importance of unity.

The importance of unity

The importance of unity

This Scripture tells us that the people had one goal, they had one language, and they put forth a unified effort, and it says about them that “now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them”. God said that because of their unity they would be successful in everything that they do.
In the Bible God often speaks to His people about unity. Unity is a very important key that allows us as God’s people or the Church to fulfill the will of God and our calling in this earth.

When you live in obedience to His Word, God protects you from sorrows and tragedies that fill this world nowadays

When you live in obedience to His Word, God protects you from sorrows and tragedies that fill this world nowadays

Today I would like to point out a very important truth: if you are obedient to God in your actions and in your life in general, then the very same thing that destroys others will lift you up.
In the Scripture above we can see that the same waters, which destroyed the world by flooding it, raised Noah’s ark that he had built according to the Word of God. The very same waters destroyed some people and lifted up somebody else – Noah. To the faithful Noah, flood waters brought salvation.

Will you become a person like Noah for your generation?

Will you become a person like Noah for your generation?

„This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.” (Genesis 6:9)
1. Noah was a just man.
2. Noah was a just and perfect man in his kin and his generation.
3. Noah walked with God.
When God finds a man like that, He establishes His covenant with him.

Don’t serve those things over which you, suppose to dominate according to the will of God

Don’t serve those things over which you, suppose to dominate according to the will of God

“ And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath”

In this short statement of Jesus Christ there a very important lesson is hidden for us. God is saying here that the sabbath was made for manand not man for the sabbath.

In life it is often possible to observe such a picture where by those things over which man is meant to dominate, are dominating over him instead. This distortion of the order established by God often result in many tragic problems in people’s life today.

Don’t give up!

Don’t give up!

May God bless you on your way to achieving your purpose in life! Please, don’t give in to obstacles, because there are ways to achieve your purpose. If you have gone one way, and nothing seems to work out for you, then try to find another way. If the second attempt failed also, try a third method. You will eventually reach your goal if you will not give up o the way.