Love is a weapon of victory of the last time II

Love is a weapon of victory of the last time II

«You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour, and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, … » (Matthew 5:43-44).

«But I tell you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you..» (Luke 6:27-28).

Love is a weapon of victory of the last time!

Love is a weapon of victory of the last time!

“At the last days” – said Jesus – “the world will be full of hatred, sin, betrayal, resentment and bitterness.” Those who are not able to walk in love will experience serious problems at the last days – faced the power of sin they will not be able to fight it, get emotional injuries shortening their lives. Such people will end up with heart attack and nervous breakdown caused by the stream of evil, hatred, betrayal, rebellion and ingratitude over-flooding the world at the last days.

Faith is an ability to see the Invisible!

Faith is an ability to see the Invisible!

At these last days many people feel down, worry about daily needs, love in many of them gets cold but anger, resentments, hatred and cruelty grow up because of illegitimacy, treason and cheating multiply. But my dear friend, it´s meaningless to follow the majority, while your faith shall bring you a breakthrough and victory! You will learn how to live without worries because your faith knows that the loving God cares for you, faith knows how to cast all your worries on the Lord.

Faith is not when we hold unto the promises of God, but not have any relationships with Him

Faith is not when we hold unto the promises of God, but not have any relationships with Him

By loud shouting disobedient Israelites only made their situation worse. It caused their enemies to mobilize and fight against Israelites. Faith is not emotions.

Faith is obedience to the voice and word of the Lord.

Faith is acting based on obedience and command of the Lord.

Faith is positive response of the heart to God’s instructions.

Faith is being on the same team with God.

The breastplate of faith, love and the helmet of the hope of salvation

The breastplate of faith, love and the helmet of the hope of salvation

“But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation” (1 Thessalonians, 5: 8)

The breastplate of faith, love and the helmet of the hope of salvation – these are extremely valuable forces that can help us in these last days. That is why our efforts should be directed towards building up faith, walking in love and having hope of salvation. How can we build and cultivate faith, hope and love in our lives? It becomes possible as we feed on the right food, which is the Word of God, and as we practise the Word.

You will be able to arm yourselves against the tsunamis of evil in these last days if you walk in the light of God’s Word and soberness of mind!

You will be able to arm yourselves against the tsunamis of evil in these last days if you walk in the light of God’s Word and soberness of mind!

«Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons» (1 Timothy, 4:1).

It is sad that people depart from the faith; their love grows cold; they get offended and leave God. (When our relationships with God start growing cold it is a sign of departure from the faith). I would want it to happen with any of you; I wish none of you fall because of the wicked winds of the last days.

Four possible God´s answers to the right prayer said by the right person II

Four possible God´s answers to the right prayer said by the right person II

Answer Nr.3 – God says «No!» In this case you should be glad with this answer as much as glad you are when God says es”. “No” is the most difficult thing to hear and to pronounce. Some people never accept answer “No” at all. Those who dare say “No” to them become enemies of such people. Sometimes we are not able to accept negative answer from God too.

Apostle Paul wrote in his letter about a thorn in his flesh used by the angel of satan to inflict pain on him. Paul prayed for three times for removal of it, but God said “No!” Didn´t Paul remain in God and the word of God in him?

Four possible God´s answers to the right prayer said by the right person

Four possible God´s answers to the right prayer said by the right person

Nevertheless, there are four possible God´s answers to the right prayer said by the right person.

First answer – we pray and receive an immediate answer. It works this way in the life of newly born Christians, but not only. Also Peter received an immediate answer to his prayer. He called to the Lord for help when he started to drown, and the answer came immediately – Jesus stretched His hand to save Peter´s life.

Does the Lord answer all prayers?

Does the Lord answer all prayers?

«If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.» (John 15:7).

There is a God´s promise in this scripture: «whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.» Which one of you had prayed for something but it was not given to you? I guess many of you had, so where is the problem? We often read in the Bible that people prayed and received the answer to their prayers. God Himself told us to pray, and He promised to answer our prayers.

Confession of our sins before God

Confession of our sins before God

God cleanses and heals us from inside out. And one of the most important elements leading to the inner healing is confession of our sins before God and forgiving of other people’s transgressions. «And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors» (Mathew, 6:12).

When we come to God in prayer, we must confess our sins and ask Him to heal us. Such a prayer brings healing and deep inner cleansing.