Confess your sins and repent of them as soon as the Holy Spirit convicts you

Greetings to you, dear friends! I thank God for you and I believe that this day will bring to you great blessings as you ponder upon the word God is sending us today. Today I want to share with you a word about the wisdom of repentance.
«For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light» (Mark, 4:22).
Here we see a very important truth spoken by Jesus. According to this Scripture everything hidden will be revealed. If we accept this truth then we will want to live righteously before God and men. Our every wrongdoing and ungodly deed sooner or later will be brought out in the light, and all our secret works sooner or later will come into the open; all our unconfessed, unrecognized and secret sins sooner or later will become obvious for everybody. Therefore, if we believe this to be true, then the wisest thing we can do is to confess and to repent of any sins as soon as God brings a conviction of sin. Bible says that the Holy Spirit when He comes will convict us of all our sins. Praise God for the fact that the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. But even though the Holy Spirit brings the conviction many people try to hide their sins. Dear friends, God wants us to pay attention to what He is saying. Whenever the Holy Spirit convicts us it is the best time for our repentance. To repent means to reveal our sins and to deal with them, to forsake them, to bring them out in the open in order to receive grace and mercy from the Lord.
«He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy» (Proverbs, 28:13).
The Bible teaches us that if we hide our sins and trespasses we won’t have success. But if we realize that there are some wrong things in our lives and openly confess them and forsake them then God will give us His mercy and His grace. Dear friends, let’s live a righteous life before God; let’s take the dealings of the Holy Spirit seriously and not hide our sins because sooner or later they will be revealed anyway. I will continue to talk about this tomorrow. Today the word of God for you is as follows: confess your sins and repent of them as soon as the Holy Spirit convicts you. Until tomorrow! Be blessed! Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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