Do You Hear What God Speaks? II

Greetings to you, dear friends!Praises to the Lord for this day that He has given us! I am grateful to God for another opportunity to be filled with His living Word!Yesterday, we started to speak about, whether we hear what God tells us.We found out that we continually hear someone’s voice. The voice of our common sense is especially loud. God is a Spirit therefore we cannot understand God with our minds.Apart from the voice of our common sense, we often hear the voice of our feelings. Also feelings have a voice. But neither this voice always reflects what God says. Our feelings are changing, quite often they depend on outer factors – our mood, weather, how tired we are, etc. If we listen to our feelings only, our chances to constant success are eliminated.For instance, you can often feel lonely, weak, unloved, a failure, etc. Nevertheless, such feelings often do not accord with reality. If you are lead by your feelings and take them as truth, you will not be able to enjoy the life in abundance that God has prepared for you. God gives this life only to those who hear His voice and follow Him!
“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.” (John 10:27-28).
In order to live a solid and happy life in God, it is important that you learn to ignore the voice of your feelings and listen to God’s voice. If the Word of God is the basis for every of your actions, then your feelings will start to change and begin to accord to the truth of God’s Word, whatever your feelings might be. Feelings always follow our thoughts and are subdued to our correct actions. Our feelings are servants, and they are subdued to our will, decisions and actions.Many people are lead by the voice of their feelings, therefore they are not solid in God, and God cannot reach them and give them life in abundance. When you follow the voice of feelings, often Satan can lead you away from God and the right path. They who follow the voice of feelings often experience disappointment and are depressed. Allowing the voice of feelings to lead you – this means to put yourself in difficult circumstances that you cannot cope with, instead of overcoming these circumstances.We will continue this topic tomorrow and will learn what the voices are that claim to be ruling over our lives and will learn which one of these voices are the only true voice.With the peace of God!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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