God not only knows about all of your problems and circumstances, He also has a solution for them II

Welcome, dear readers, to „Daily Word for Spiritual Edification”! I thank God for every one of you and pray that you wouldn’t lose your thirst for God’s Word and His wisdom and for God’s fellowship because God is the source of our life.Yesterday we talked about four main sources of human problems. And we established that when the problems appear we must first determine their source.
  • The storm in Job’s life was cause by his disobedience (Job, 1).
  • The storm in Paul’s life began because of the disobedience of others (Acts, 27).
  • The disciples of Jesus got into a storm, even though they were obedient to the Lord (Mark, 6: 45-52).
Storms and turbulences in our lives can be cause by:
  • the trials sent by God;
  • the temptations sent by the devil;
  • other people’s sins and persecution;
  • your own wrong choice or decision.
The solution for your problem requires particular approach and depends on its source and cause.
  • If the problem is caused by your wrong actions, then you need to repent.
  • If the problem is the temptation of the devil, you need to resist him firm in faith.
  • If the problem is the result of the wrongdoings of others that are directed against you, you need to forgive these people and move forward, putting your life into the hands of God Who is the Righteous Judge.
  • If the trials came from God, then you simply need to stay calm before God and trust Him to change your character, teach you something new and change you into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Whatever the source of your problem, you must know that there are no problems in your life that God would be ignorant of. Our heavenly Father knows everything that is going on in the lives of His children. God filters all events and uses them for our good, even if Satan and other people do things to cause you pain. The size of the problem and its source do not matter to God. He will use every problem for your good and your growth if you trust Him.Since God is sovereign and controls everything, every difficult situation should be viewed as one of life stages which move us closer to the realization of God’s perfect plan for your life. Every day of our lives are written in God’s calendar before we are born. 
«Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them» (Psalm, 139:16).
«Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.»
 May these words of Jesus give you daily encouragement in all your trials and problems! 
 «These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world» (John, 16: 33).
 Trust God, be filled with His Word, walk in holiness, serve God with your gifts and talents and you will witness God changing all your problems, tragedies and sufferings into triumph!May God bless every on of you!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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