Jēzus Kristus Draudze - tā ir vieta, kurā atskaitāmies viens otra priekšā!

The Church of Jesus Christ is a place of accountability!

We walk not just before God, but also before one another. When we are willing to do the things the Bible tells us to it allows us to change and grow spiritually. We established that churches are usually divided into small groups (or home groups) so that people can care for one another more effectively.

In order to receive the things we need to lead a healthy spiritual life it is important to be ‘an open book’. Then other people are able to watch and study you. If you are ‘closed up’ for other people, then you won’t receive the help you need through the home group meetings.

Just as much as you open yourself to others, they will be able to help you at a time of need

Just as much as you open yourself to others, they will be able to help you at a time of need

The Church of Jesus Christ is the place of accountability and not where everyone does what comes to his mind. The New Testament contains many of God’s commandments that have the phrase “one another” in them. It tells us that we do not only walk before God, but also walk before one another. For example, it says in several verses that we should love one another.

Accountability allows us to submerge in Christ

Accountability allows us to submerge in Christ

Accountability makes us strong and unites us to the other believers; it also kills the “I am a lone island” thinking. This type of thinking has caused many problems that the Body of Christ still suffers from.

God does not want you to be an island that is separated and independent of the other brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not only responsible to being accountable ourselves; we also need to call others to accountability and help them with it.

How accountability helps us to change and grow spiritually?

How accountability helps us to change and grow spiritually?

Accountability is a sincere confession or opening of one’s secrets of his Christian walk to the others in the atmosphere of mutual trust. We are ready to give account of what we do with our lives, what we understand or do not understand, in what areas are weak or in need of assistance. When we are accountable we are willing to admit whether we are growing or not. We are able to give account of what we are learning in order to receive support, encouragement or correction.

Changes depend on our knowledge

Changes depend on our knowledge

«For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is complete has come, then that which is partial will be done away with. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I was also fully known». (1st Corinthians 13:9-12).

Joseph was pursuing particular goal when testing them: he wanted to know whether they had changed!

Joseph was pursuing particular goal when testing them: he wanted to know whether they had changed!

Remember, what is the first sign of a change man? It is the changed attitude towards other people. Joseph’s attitude towards his brothers tells us that he had been changed. Imagine that these were the people that sold him into slavery and caused him to go through pain, misery, losses, trials and serious problems. And now brothers came to Joseph for help and he helped – freely and with no desire to pay back for all the pain. He was able to do it because he was changed and freed from unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment.

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within II

We can only be defiled by the things that come from within II

Only the Lord knows the true condition of our hearts, and He wants to help us look into our hearts using the relationships we are involved in. Our views, actions and lack of actions, our words – all of these things cause particular reaction which determines the level of our spiritual maturity.