Faith is obedience to the Lord!

ew days we have been discussing the ways of how to experience God´s power and mercy in your life. We discovered that love to God and close relationships with Him help you to get to know His heart and His will towards your life while making your heart sensitive to His Spirit. Once our heart is sensitive to the Holy Spirit we are certain about what to do and how to act in order to glorify God through us.

How can we experience God in our life? III

Let Him talk to your heart today. We keep on talking about how we can experience God´s presence, power and His mercy in our life. Yesterday we stated that constant fellowship with God is mandatory in order to experience these things. We quoted many verses from Scripture telling us that people who love God have obvious advantages. For such people God has prepared many pleasant surprises and all things together work for good in their lives and God Himself appears to them.

«We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.» (Romans 8:28).

Submission to God

Submission to God doesn´t mean doing everything that comes to your mind. Contrariwise, it makes us responsible for getting to know what God bears in His heart regarding His will to our life. For this reason you have to submit yourself in whole to the Lord in order to have fellowship with Him as a source of inspiration, freshness and guidance. Everybody who experienced His power in his life and became a tool of His mercy constantly submitted himself to the Lord.

How can we experience God in our life?

The God´s mercy is renewed for us this morning. The Bible says: «Let everything that has breath praise Yah!» (Psalm 150:6). If you can breath today – it´s a mercy of the Lord and a sufficient reason to praise and thank Him.

Today I would like to begin a new topic called “How can we experience God in our life?” Studying the Bible we see God doing great feats through many people. He was able to realise His intentions using those people just due to their revelation and understanding of God´s key principles. While living in the different times, educated on a different level, belonged to the different cultures all Bible heroes basically have something in common. The secret of the success and feats they had is obvious – they knew God and interacted with Him. They experienced God´s power and His mercy in their lives. How did they succeeded? It became possible because they dedicated themselves to God. That´s exactly what God is inviting us to do.

How to enter your ministry III

I welcome you to „Daily Word for Spiritual Edification”! We have been talking about how to enter out ministry. We have established that, first; we have to have a strong desire to serve God with our gifts and talents. We discussed the tact that ministry helps us to discover our potential. We know now that God desires us to be fruitful and glorify Him on earth. Also, every one of us has to find out for himself what he can serve with. The following things as education, experience, gifts and talents and skills can help us in this.

There is something else that we have to learn for ourselves: we must learn to think big.

How to enter your ministry

Yesterday we started discussing how we can enter our ministry. We established that, first; we need a strong desire to serve. This desire is tied to our understanding of God’s will and the purpose of our salvation. As we talked about, ministry helps us to reveal our potential. Ministry helps us to find out about ourselves, our calling in the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and doing the works that are pleasing to God. God has predestined for us to do particular good works. God desires for us to be fruitful and glorify Him on earth. Through our ministry God wants to fill this earth with the knowledge of Him and His Kingdom. He wants us to establish His principles in every sphere of life and win people for Him by the ministry we do on earth.

How to enter your ministry

Today I would like to talk to you about how to enter your ministry. Let’s look at the things that are required to enter one’s ministry.

First, you have to have a desire to serve.

“This is a faithful saying: if a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work” (1 Timothy, 3:1).

26 points that confirm we need the revival

Nowadays we often hear people talking about revival – in their own life, in the families, in the church, in the whole country. Do you need a revival? If so, how do you know about it? My today´s message contains 26 points that confirm we need the revival and need the Holy Spirit to visit us again. They will help each of us to look at ourselves and diagnose the problems.

One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes

We are discussing that success and effectiveness in our life are impossible without preparation. Former prime minister of Great Britain, Benjamin Disraeli said: “One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”

Influential people understand this fact. Therefore, if you are willing to spend your life effectively and have influence on the others, you have to prepare yourself for that.

So what do we have to prepare ourselves for?

Preparation is a key to effective life II

Your tomorrow is the outcome of your today´s efforts and time you spend. Your today impacts your tomorrow, therefore, you better prepare yourself for tomorrow, use your time to develop yourself, building up your character and skills. If you disobey God today, you will not be able to enter your promised land tomorrow, due to the cruelty of your heart. If you take care for today, God will take care for your tomorrow then.