The importance of ministry and the way it transforms a person himself and the quality of his life

The importance of ministry and the way it transforms a person himself and the quality of his life

Notice that by serving people we are not trying to take God’s place in their lives. Vice verse, via our ministry we desire to draw people to the only Person who is able to sincerely help them, and that is to God.

That’s why the purpose of our ministry is drawing people to God, so that God can be glorified in their lives. God is the only one, who can help, comfort, heal and restore the destiny of people. We are just tools and channels He uses. Our task is to let God channel His love through our ministry to other people.

God has left us two most important commandments – to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves.!

God has left us two most important commandments – to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves.!

Walking in love is the determining factor of how happy we will be on this earth. Any one of us can become a happy person, who is satisfied with life, if only we will live in accordance to the law of love. In other words, my attitude towards God and the people around me determines whether I will be happy or not. If you want to be happy, then my advice to you is to love God and your neighbour without deceit!

Changes through Ministry III

Changes through Ministry III

Ministry helps us to live for others not just for ourselves. When a person has a servant or serving heart, his life is focused on making other people happy instead of waiting on the other people to make him happy. Somebody with such an attitude and life position has no time for depression or for self-pity. His life is rather focused on searching for and helping other people who lives in poorer conditions himself instead of sitting around celebrating self- pity party. The person who understands the purpose of true ministry doesn’t live for himself, but his goal is to love God and to love other people.

Accountability makes us stronger, more effective and more successful in our walk with God!

Accountability makes us stronger, more effective and more successful in our walk with God!

Through accountability and Christian fellowship you will be able to see how to solve different problems and how to build relationships in general. Through accountability you will be able to understand and clearly see the purpose of life and the meaning of God’s calling for your life. Due to the system of accountability you will be able to know the depths of God’s Word and see life from God’s perspective. And then your behaviour and your reactions will change for good.

Jēzus Kristus Draudze - tā ir vieta, kurā atskaitāmies viens otra priekšā!

The Church of Jesus Christ is a place of accountability!

We walk not just before God, but also before one another. When we are willing to do the things the Bible tells us to it allows us to change and grow spiritually. We established that churches are usually divided into small groups (or home groups) so that people can care for one another more effectively.

In order to receive the things we need to lead a healthy spiritual life it is important to be ‘an open book’. Then other people are able to watch and study you. If you are ‘closed up’ for other people, then you won’t receive the help you need through the home group meetings.

Just as much as you open yourself to others, they will be able to help you at a time of need

Just as much as you open yourself to others, they will be able to help you at a time of need

The Church of Jesus Christ is the place of accountability and not where everyone does what comes to his mind. The New Testament contains many of God’s commandments that have the phrase “one another” in them. It tells us that we do not only walk before God, but also walk before one another. For example, it says in several verses that we should love one another.

Accountability allows us to submerge in Christ

Accountability allows us to submerge in Christ

Accountability makes us strong and unites us to the other believers; it also kills the “I am a lone island” thinking. This type of thinking has caused many problems that the Body of Christ still suffers from.

God does not want you to be an island that is separated and independent of the other brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not only responsible to being accountable ourselves; we also need to call others to accountability and help them with it.

Changes depend on our knowledge

Changes depend on our knowledge

«For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is complete has come, then that which is partial will be done away with. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I was also fully known». (1st Corinthians 13:9-12).