Don’t serve those things over which you, suppose to dominate according to the will of God

Don’t serve those things over which you, suppose to dominate according to the will of God

“ And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath”

In this short statement of Jesus Christ there a very important lesson is hidden for us. God is saying here that the sabbath was made for manand not man for the sabbath.

In life it is often possible to observe such a picture where by those things over which man is meant to dominate, are dominating over him instead. This distortion of the order established by God often result in many tragic problems in people’s life today.

Don’t give up!

Don’t give up!

May God bless you on your way to achieving your purpose in life! Please, don’t give in to obstacles, because there are ways to achieve your purpose. If you have gone one way, and nothing seems to work out for you, then try to find another way. If the second attempt failed also, try a third method. You will eventually reach your goal if you will not give up o the way.

How can we face any opposition and problem with our faces shining at the same time?

How can we face any opposition and problem with our faces shining at the same time?

The Scripture mentioned above teaches that it is necessary for us to look unto God by entering into His presence and learn to draw strength and wisdom from Him.
Let us look at the life of Moses. Moses’ face was shined when he descended from the mountain where he spent time conversing with God. This is what Psalms 34:5 is talking about. Those who looked unto God and met with Him were definitely enlightened. Such people will never be disgraced.

Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap

Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap

All of life is sowing. Our words are seeds, our actions are also seeds. Even our all your passivity or inactions are also seeds.
So, everyday of your life, you are either sowing into the flesh or sowing into the spirit. One way to sow into the spirit is make use of every opportunity to do that which is good towards all men, especially towards them that are of the household of faith.

All true ministry begins in the presence of God III

All true ministry begins in the presence of God III

As we draw closer to God, we will be able to see our self in the light of God. Many people look at themselves from the standpoint of what other people are saying or what they are thinking about themselves. The fact is that only God knows the true states of your heart. As you stand in the presence of God He will help you to see yourself correctly. Not only will you see yourself from God’s perspective, but you will be transformed into His very image.

All true ministry begins in the presence of God

All true ministry begins in the presence of God

The only way to see what the Father is doing is to spend time with the father.
If you don’t want to just go about doing your own things in your own way, please follow the example of Jesus. Place yourself in a place where you can receive the love of God and allow Him to show you what He is doing now around you, so that you can join Him in His works.

Moving your mountains

Moving your mountains

Very often we speak about our problems instead of speaking to them.
Very often we tell God about our problems instead of telling our problems about our God.
The Bible instructs us to do it differently. You are instructed to

Speak to your mountains
Tell it to move
Believe in your heart and doubt not and you will have what you say.

Plan, plant, pray, but also act!

Plan, plant, pray, but also act!

I want to begin this word with a story: A man had a wonderful garden that brought him a rich, abundant harvest. When his neighbor saw that, he decided that the next spring he would make a garden for himself too. But after the neighbor had sawn seeds in his garden, he did not do anything there afterward. He did not water his garden, did not cultivate, neither loosened the soil. When the autumn came, his garden was neglected and full with weeds. And, of course, it did not bring forth any fruit.