Sin is the root of the evil

Greetings to you, dear friends!Praise God for this wonderful day that God has given us! Thank God for one more opportunity to get filled with His living Word!Yesterday we started talking about how evil entered into the life of the first people and this world. The glory that was the covering for Adam and Eve left after they sinned. Right then Adam and Eve became vulnerable and open for curses and every evil. Sin gave birth to evil. The first one who sinned was Satan, so all evil has its beginning in him. 
«He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil» (1 John, 3:8).
 The devil deceived Adam and Eve who were reflecting the glory of God in the earth, because he hated God and all the things that brought glory to God. Adam and Eve were given a free will and a right to choose and they decided to disobey God and submit to the voice of the devil. That is how sin entered their life and the life of all of the generations after them. They gave themselves and their posterity into the hands of death. And since that time death has begun its reign over people. 
«For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through that one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ» (Romans, 5:17)
 As soon as man found out about his nakedness, he made for himself clothing out of fig leaves and started hiding from God. «Fig leaves» symbolize human efforts to manage their life without God’s intervention and out of the realm of God’s authority. This has been the source of all possible misery and problems on earth. Man without God is like lost sheep that becomes prey for wild beasts and has nothing good to look forward to. Nevertheless, many people make their choice to live without God.Religion and rituals that are void of God’s power are not a solution for a sinful man. «Fig leaves» are not able to cover man’s nakedness. Only the glory of God can do that.After the fall God began looking for the man in the Garden; the man did not look for God. Here we see God’s concern for people. He has the best in mind for us and He always offers us solutions in our difficulties.Today God is the same as in the days of Adam; He knocks on the door of human hearts to tell us that He loves us and has answers and solutions for difficult situations we find ourselves in. Call unto God and He will hear you and help you! And He will reveal to you how to turn your tragedies and problems into triumph!Abundant blessings to you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!Till tomorrow! Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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