Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life

Reading the Bible we see how Jesus was growing and being filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. Jesus was constantly seeking the God´s will for His life, in order to set a good example for us. If Jesus had got to know God´s will using His divine nature instead, He wouldn´t have set a role model to us nor we wouldn´t be able to follow his steps today. Jesus stayed longer in the Temple after the feast of Passover in Jerusalem while other people had already left for home (see Luke 2:41-51). What was Jesus doing there and why did He stay longer in the Temple? He stayed there to listen to the scribes and to question them. That´s one of His secrets where His wisdom came from. Jesus studied the Scriptures. He attended the Temple and asked questions, prayed and leaned closer to God, His Father.

The blessedness or beauty of serving others!

The blessedness or beauty of serving others!

Ministry is a widespread concept among believers. In essence, ministry is giving of all things: giving of one’s talents and gifts, one’s knowledge and time, one’s heart and resources. The Kingdom of God is built through such giving. Your church is built by your giving and ministry. It says in the Bible that it is more blessed to give than to receive. God blesses those who serve, so if you want to get to the top of God’s blessedness learn to serve God and people.

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability

God gives to everyone according to his or her ability

We all want more. We want our churches to have more people, but God – according to your ability – will give you what you can handle. God will be able to entrust you His blessings according to the level of your responsibility. For example, you are in a predicament and you think, „Why do I have to live through this?” But God knows that you can handle it. We often are not aware of how responsible or irresponsible we are, but God is. God knows the burden you are able to carry. You may think and say to yourself, «No, I am not able to bear this! I am not capable!» Until you actually go through it, you won’t be able to imagine what you are capable of.

What are you doing with your talent?

What are you doing with your talent?

I pray that all of us would hear this not only with our ears, but with our hearts. This parable of Jesus is about the Kingdom of God. One of the things Jesus taught intensively was the Kingdom of God. And there were serious reasons for it. The kingdoms of this earth will pass away, and a new Kingdom will come – the Kingdom of God. Jesus brought God’s Kingdom to the earth, and He desires us to know this Kingdom, seeking it and living in it. It says in the Bible that first of all we must seek the Kingdom and its righteousness. It is not that easy, because there is another kingdom that opposes God and pulls our hearts. That is why Jesus spoke intensively about God’s Kingdom, and almost all of His parables are about God’s Kingdom.

The things that you are ready to sacrifice or give up will determine what will come into your life

The things that you are ready to sacrifice or give up will determine what will come into your life

Yesterday we saw that God had asked Abram to leave his country, his father’s house and his relatives and to go to the land that He would show.

“Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you” (Genesis, 12:1).

You can prosper under any circumstances all it takes is for you to pay the price for God to be with you

You can prosper under any circumstances all it takes is for you to pay the price for God to be with you

No matter what you do, no matter what your status in life and no matter what your circumstances, if you can have access to the presence of God, you will succeed. Joseph was in slavery, sold to a foreign land by his own blood brothers, but that could not stop his prosperity.

What really determine our success or prosperity in life is the presence of God with us. The way might not be easy. The journey might be longer than we think, but if God is with us the way will be decked with the goodness and the favour of God.

It is extremely important for us to grow in God’s character and nature so that we can effectively function on earth

It is extremely important for us to grow in God’s character and nature so that we can effectively function on earth

«It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness» .

In order for a throne or a reign or government to be established, it must be done by righteousness or truth. As we’ve said before, in Paul’s Epistle to Romans we are told that we rule on earth by the gift of righteousness (see Rom.5: 17).

The Power, authority and wisdom to rule on earth come into our lives through our uncompromising stance against sin and unrighteousness. If we choose righteousness and total submission to God and His commandments as our lifestyle, then God can channel His authority into our lives; our life will be filled with God’s authority, and God will grant us the right to rule and reign on earth.