The lordship of Jesus Christ

The lordship of Jesus Christ

The phrase „Jesus is Lord!” is quite often used by the children of God. But being the children of God, we cannot treat this concept in a superficial or religious manner. The lordship of Jesus has a deep spiritual meaning. We should not casually proclaim or declare His lordship without the correct understanding of what it really implies. God wants us today to discover for ourselves what the true essence of the lordship of Jesus is and to act accordingly.

God’s desire for our faith not to be based on the wisdom of man, the wisdom of this age, but on the wisdom of God!

God’s desire for our faith not to be based on the wisdom of man, the wisdom of this age, but on the wisdom of God!

Only God’s wisdom is meant to bring us into the place of glory. The wisdom of God glorifies and exalts us. It is very important for us to open up our hearts and to receive God’s wisdom. Today we often hear about Chinese wisdom, Russian wisdom, Babylonian wisdom etc. But how wonderful it is that we have been given God’s wisdom! The wisdom of God is the highest form of wisdom for all the living. Only this wisdom is able to transform human life, changing it from within (from inside out). That is why God wants our faith to be based on His wisdom and not the wisdom of men.

If a person does not serve God, then sooner or later his love towards Him will grow cold and he will forsake God!

If a person does not serve God, then sooner or later his love towards Him will grow cold and he will forsake God!

Serving God is one of the ways you and I can maintain a good spiritual shape. It is one of the ways to grow spiritually. If a person is always on the receiving side and never gives anything, he will eventually die. For this reason, it is very important to serve God.

There are so many people in the Church today who only call themselves believers; they simply go to church, read their Bible and pray; they fellowship with other believers, but serving God is not in the list of their priorities.

Be faithful in small things; then God will set you over many things! II

Be faithful in small things; then God will set you over many things! II

Do not compare yourself with other people, but always check whether you are faithful to God. Are you faithful to God in the area of being a good steward of the resources God has entrusted you?

Jesus’ parable of talents says that after the lord returned and settled accounts with his first two servants that had multiplied their talents, he did not just praise them for their faithfulness; he also blessed and promoted them: «…you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things».

Be faithful in small things; then God will set you over many things!

Be faithful in small things; then God will set you over many things!

The Lord is coming again! And this parable is prophetic. Jesus is our Lord and He is returning! When He comes back, He will reward every person as he or she deserves. Jesus also will condemn those who deserve it. Verse 19 says that the master came „after a long time”. It means that Jesus is coming at the time when He won’t be expected. But it also means we need to be alert. We must be alert!

Do not be afraid to work; do not be afraid to sacrifice your time to the Lord! II

Do not be afraid to work; do not be afraid to sacrifice your time to the Lord! II

Don’t be ashamed of what you have. God has given you those particular talents for you to multiply them, not to hide them. Do not waste your strength on hiding from your calling. Let your talents be visible to others. The talents you possess do not actually belong to you; they belong to the Lord. So, if you are ashamed to use them, it means you are ashamed of the Lord Himself.

Do not be afraid to work; do not be afraid to sacrifice your time to the Lord!

Do not be afraid to work; do not be afraid to sacrifice your time to the Lord!

«But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money» (Mathew, 25:18).

This person received some money from his master and he hid it. Please, notice these words ‘money from his master’. He knew that what he had received did not belong to him; it belonged to his master. And he made a conscious decision to hide the treasure his master had given him.

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom  III

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom III

«His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord’» (Mathew, 25:23).

Some people get tired and need help even before they start to do something significant. But tell me! Is it possible that you need rest or take a break from God? Is it possible that you need rest from serving Him? No! We can serve God everywhere. You can be on a plane and serve people who sit by you. You can serve God on a beach, at work, everywhere; because in all of these places there are people who need God.

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom II

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom II

«But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises, for God is my defence, my God of mercy» (Psalm 59:16-17).

God is our strength! He is our defence! He is the One who shows mercy every day! Let’s lift Him up in the morning, afternoon and evening, for He is good!

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom

God wants you to use everything He has given you for His Kingdom

«So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’» (Luke, 19:13).

This verse clearly states that the master told his servants to do business with the things they were given. The master expected them to get some profit from his ‘investment’.