Do not live without vision!

Do not live without vision!

Today I would like to share with you a word about building or constructing your future.
The truth is that we are a product of what we see. In order for us to reach any goals in life, we have to first see (visualize or imagine) them. So many people do not advance and move forward because of the lack of vision; they only live in the ‘now’. Very often people do not have any future plans; they do not have a clue of what goals they want to reach in this life.

How do we acquire such “great faith”?

How do we acquire such “great faith”?

Let’s try to find the answer to that question today.

The Bible declares that faith comes from hearing God’s Word (Rom.10:17). So if you want your faith to grow, my advice to you is this– continue to listen to Gods word and fill your heart and mind with it.

At the same time be ready for your faith to be tested. You cannot find out if your faith is growing without examination. Problems and trials are tests of your faith.

We win and overcome in life by faith!

We win and overcome in life by faith!

There are different levels of problems and trials. Our faith is strengthened by going through trials and difficulties. By faith you can overcome all your obstacles! Why didn’t Jesus answer the woman’s prayer right away? Why did He answer the way He did?1.Jesus wanted her faith to grow.Why doesn’t Jesus answer our prayers right away? Why are there always obstacles on our ways in the search for an answer? Because God desires to build up our faith. That is why every time when we face difficulties that are bigger than us and surpass our abilities, we need to learn to thank God for allowing our faith to grow in these situations.
God is more interested in your spiritual growth, development of your character than a quick answer to your prayers!

God is more interested in your spiritual growth, development of your character than a quick answer to your prayers!

It would not be hard for God to give you what you are asking for; it is a lot harder to cause changes in you and your character. Humans tend to be so ungrateful. The people of Israel were wandering through the desert; they called out to God, He answered them, but it did not change them. Afterwards, when a different problem came they called out to God again, and He answered them and gave what they had asked for. Nevertheless, their hearts remained unchanged. God can answer your prayers again and again, but it is not a guarantee of permanent changes in your life. Quite often God allows certain situations in our lives that help us to grow spiritually.
When you do not see a way out and when everything looks hopeless and bleak, – worship God!

When you do not see a way out and when everything looks hopeless and bleak, – worship God!

“Then she came and worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!» (Mathew, 15:25). Many people have a hard time even saying the words „help me”. Many people have a hard time acknowledging that they actually need help. They do not want to admit they are helpless in certain situations and call out for help. Help does not come to those that do not ask for it. Only a humble, broken person is able to ask for help. This woman had a broken heart; for this reason she was able to worship Jesus and ask Him for help. May our hearts be humble before God, so that we can worship God and ask for His help. When you need help, you must humble your heart before God.
If you want to receive a miracle from God you need the ability to hear people and see their action from different perspective!

If you want to receive a miracle from God you need the ability to hear people and see their action from different perspective!

God desires that we all fight for and protect those He has entrusted us. He wants us to be strong, so that nothing could stop us on our way to God’s miracle.Further we see that «then she came and worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!» (Mathew, 15:25) The woman worshipped Jesus on her knees. She did this amidst of all the people who were there that day. It speaks of her despair; she did not pay attention to her surroundings and she did not care of what the others thought.
In order for you to be constant in this life you need to overcome human factor!

In order for you to be constant in this life you need to overcome human factor!

«And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.” But He answered her not a word» (Mathew, 15: 22-23). At the time when a woman from Canaan was following Jesus and asking for help, His disciples were telling her to leave. That is what I call a human factor.
Do not be discouraged if you feel like God hasn’t yet answered your prayer, keep praying!

Do not be discouraged if you feel like God hasn’t yet answered your prayer, keep praying!

Maybe you are praying to God and it seems to you that the answer isn’t going to come, maybe you feel like giving up on prayer, you think that prayer doesn’t work. I’ve spoken to people who were praying for a long time and started to disbelieve in the power of prayer as the answers were not immediate. The example of Canaanite woman shows us that it is wrong to think that there is no point in asking God for help. I would like to reassure you that your prayer is heard today! Even today there is magnificent power in prayer!